Theoroar the dragon
The time of social dragons ended quite long ago. In the time of ancients, dragons and man lived side by side. Man worshiped dragons, taking on their way of life and seeking their advice, occasionally asking for their help whenever they were in need. Dragons for their part, helped mankind through the strange experience of life, taking on their offspring and their offspring's offspring under their wing in order to prepare them for the days ahead.
As time passed, this beneficial relationship changed. Mankind grew stronger....and then they grew greedy. They thought they knew better. They thought they were better than the ones that had guided them for so long. And so they rose up and began to hunt them. For every hundred humans that a dragon could kill with its fiery breath, thousands more rose in their place. So ended the time of dragons out in the open. They retreated to caves and holes in the ground. And from there, gathering enormous money-piles by raiding villages was a hobby more than anything else.
Theoroar didn't live in the times where mankind turned against their betters. He was born into a world of hostility and greed, where Kings and Queens had risen out of the villages the dragons had helped to raise up from their infancy and they ruled vast realms with large armies and population! There are very few dragons left at this point! Those that remain are hunted mercilessly by fame-seeking heroes who want to be known as great men for slaying the big nasties of the world.
Of course, he doesn't really care about that! He's small enough that he can't really by seen by too many people and he's strong enough to freeze your average adventurer with his icy breath. So he dwells in sweet, blissful isolation in his own little world deep in the forest! He doesn't really have many goals in life. He likes shiny things, so he collects gold by the same raiding that recent generations have made a tradition. And in the midst of that wonderful large pile of gold, he makes it his bed, rolling up within the coin with a happy murr and letting the coldness roll wondrously over his body!
And besides that, he's on the lookout for cute princesses to kidnap! The only thing is that they might find this particular dragon is a lot sweeter than his contemporaries. He didn't really understand WHY you're supposed to kidnap a princess, that his ancient ancestors enjoyed torturing them for what their Kingdoms did to their race and the land in general. All Theoroar knows is that they have a really, really soft lap! So if he kidnapped a Queen or a Princess, he may end up settling in their lap, curled up sweetly and nuzzling on their neck. And well, if the Princess was able, he might even start a family with her! Even if he has to be a first. <3

This is Princess Pandora of the Orphanage, one of his absolute favorite kidnap victims~ <3 How Theoroar loves her so! <3