Disappearances are triple the normal rate in a certain district of the city, and nobody really quite knows why. There is a pervasive rumor, however... more like an urban myth, really, of a mouth that can appear anywhere, any time. Some who speak of it, ranting and raving like mad swearing it ate their friends, disappear without a trace within a week. Others seek another way out before whatever it is can get them.
Nobody really knows what this mouth could be, though there are some theories. Perhaps it's a remote manifestation of a demon who projects the mouth to swallow surface dwellers. Maybe it's a genius loci, the environment itself come to life. Whatever the case may be, there are a few observed habits of the mouth.
1. It sometimes mimics the environment, pretending to be a lifeless tunnel to trick you inside.
2. Some insist it has a long sticky tongue that can drag you back into its awaiting mouth
3. It has an especially cruel hunting method where it will, somehow, appear where there shouldn't be a wall, trappin somebody into a dead end hallway with only one escape... voluntarily crawling into the mouth itself rather than face starvation or dehydration...