A Survival game, A city full of Zombies. School, streets, Shrines, Mansions, homes, Malls. where will you hide? they will hunt you down after all, they are the undead and your just humans, but... how far will you go in order to survive? will you Survive? Will you become one of them? Allies made, Enemy's gained, A world that will be impossible to escape alive but perhapse you could escape... But that's after heading through a large city of hundreds of thousands of the walking undead...
You have Just Entered the Undead Game... But will you walk out? Just one bite... and it's over.
List of Survivors (Chat site players)
List of those who have Died
Rules to the game.
Rule 1. Once You enter you can't leave till you win or Die
Rule 2. You can only spend one day in one Area, the longer you stay the more the Zombies begin to swarm and even more dangerous kinds
Rule 3. Each Player gets one type of Skill (Healer, Gunner, Driver, ect)
Rule 4. You can Play In Teams or Solo it
Rule 5. Vehicles have Hit Points of 1000 (Armored Jeep, other's have different) and Zombies do 50 points each just in case you wanna keep driving and running over everything.
Rule 6. You can only get weapons from the weapon store in town, the Military bases or roll luck in homes.
Rule 7. cutting off a Limb that has been Infected can save the Player's Life... but how many Limbs will you sacrifice before you die? the Limit is 3 (2 arms and a Leg)
Rule 8. No one gets unlimited Ammo and you have to reload but careful what's behind you when you try.
Rule 9. Weapon user's weapons (Swords, Kendo sticks) will break after time so be careful and always hope you can find something to use in spare (Axe, Pipe, ect)
Rule 10. You can trade Items to your team members but if they die, you won't be getting them back so choose wisely who gets what.
Rule 11. Sleep Is a Important factor to one's skills, If you don't sleep enough you might end up sleeping forever
Rule 12. If you plan on Barricades, the longer the day goes the better chance of Zombies hording and breaking it down so... always have a back up plan to GTFO or you gotta fight.
Rule 13. If you die, your character is gone A.K.A DEAD ALT, so always remember to make a new one if you wanna keep playing.
Rule 14. The only Kind of Vore is Hard Vore and the only ones doing it is the Zombies, so no trying to swallow them whole or rip them up and eat their flesh cause that will mean one thing, Your one of Them now.
Rule 15. Players can get into Relationships or have Past relationships with another, nothing better then watching your lover be torn from your arms as he/she is devoured by the living dead. (In a game only)
Rule 16. on Day One of the players Adventure, only 5 Zombies come every hour but every day After, the Numbers go up by 10 so make sure you are fully prepared to go to war on Day 10 after all that's 95 Zombies a hour, can you really deal with that?
Rule 17. No Magic users, I don't want people basting out fireballs to fuck the game over.
Rule 18. Like Sleep, Food is also Important in the game so make sure you raid lots of Fridges after all, not like them Maggot infested walkers need them, they only need you.
Rule 19. Only HUMANS can enter not I can turn into a Human, Flat out HUMANS. Guys, Girls, teenagers, children, Adults and Humans
Rule 20. No fucking the Zombies

Possibilities of going alone.

Because No one is watching your back
Character Skills.
Each Character can have only one of these Skills.
Melee Weapon User (Your Weapon has 1.5x HP) (Your Weapon does +5 on damage rolls, can't use guns. can use every Melee weapon
Medic (Roll +5 in trying to cure your team. e.g, when cutting off a Limb with only the hand Bitten, if the roll is successful they only lose the hand) also the only ones to use Anti Zombie vile on a team mate to make sure they don't become infected)
Blacksmith: Can repair 3 melee weapons a Day (Fights with a small hammer)
Gunsmith: Can repair 3 guns a day (Fights with a Pistol)
Mechanic: Can repair a Vehicle for full HP (Once a day) (Fights with a wrench)
Long range gunner: (Sniper) +5 on damage rolls with sniper rifles
Short Range gunner: +5 on damage rolls with Pistols and Shotguns (Cant use Melee Weapons
Hand to Hand Combat specialist: 10+ damage on rolls to do damage (Smashing skulls, Pulling off Limbs, ect)
Drivers: Lets say that you find a Bus but it looks busted but can still go, a Driver can do a +5 roll to get it going also when hitting Zombies they can Minimize the damage with a !1d50 roll (3 times every horde)

A Example of a team
Places in the City.

the playing field
A building full of High school Students but something seems off, They are groaning and not moving right, Poor School Morale, but then they have heavily damaged skin, like flesh and bones showing, then you realise, these school kids are dead! walking around looking for the flesh of a human to devour after all, what else are you gonna eat in a school full of zombies, not their teachers, they've already eaten them, and the Principle.
Maybe there are a few survivors hiding out on the roof (One of the Starting Point) but the challenge is getting from the roof and out into the streets, you could always take the school bus or one of the teachers cars to get there faster.

a school full of Zombies.

The rooftop

Spending to long in one area

They are everywhere

the school Mini Bus
Weapons found in the School.
Baseball bats (Wooden) x12 1x Metal
Mops and Broomsticks
Chairs (1 time use) (Only in classrooms)
Nail gun x40 nails (Wood work room)
Knives (Feel free try to use it a second time to pull it out of a Zombie's chest or skull) Kitchen only
Electric drill (Woodwork room) (Feel free to take the charger) (30 minutes of battery)
Kendo Sticks x12 (Kendo club)
Wooden swords x12 (Sword Fighting club)
Water Hose (When attached to a water Source)
Tennis Rackets (Tennis club)
Metal Pots (Kitchen)
(Other stuff can be included using your Imagination SCHOOL WISE, Meaning no guns, any idea's whisper me it and I'll say yes or no)

The Mansion
Walking around you see something odd with your maids and buttlers, they seem not to be cleaning the mess on the floor which are the guards rotten corpses which are slowly coming towards you and sweet mother of god, they became Zombies in your home, now how your gonna get out of this one Sir/Ma'am fight for once that's how.
What could you find in a mansion, well that's a interesting question, Paintings could last in trapping them but you would need to get to the mansions Armory to find some real weapons, these would include
Metal Swords
Grenades - x25
Dynamite sticks - x25
Shotguns - x 10
MP5SFK sub Machine gun x1 - This MP5 has several features on it
Dot Sight Scope
Sunfire 628 Weaponlight
UMP Folding Stock
Standard Curve Magazine
0-1 Trigger Group
Other places to be done
Police Station:
Shopping Mall:
Military Base: