The Six bastard children of the voracious, woman degrading, borderline genocidal billonaire extrodanaire,
Michael_Carno! these beautiful, young ladies have had the best education money can buy, have a variety of backgrounds, heritage and personalities, and all Six work for their father a man who probally has no quams in voring them all if it made him money, so talk about work hazards!
UPDATE: Fate was not kind to the daughters of michael, they are now jizz, shit, and tit fat, all gone, ignored by their father and forgotten by society, hopefully in death they are in better company
Born: March 25th 1998, southern france
Died: September 18th 2021
Born: Febuary 7th 2001, Scotland, United Kingdom
Died: August 23rd 2021
Born: May 17th 2001, Oxford, United Kingdom
Died:April 27th 2021
Born: April 3rd 2002, United States of America
Died: July 20th 2021
Born: September 17th 2002,Sweden
Died July 18th 2021
Born:January 4th 2003, greece
Died:August 13th 2021