The restaurant is split into three sections. There's the regular seating, then there's the permavore section.
((Those that are eaten in the permavore section are gone forever and digested.))
Then there's the kitchen, for those in both sections who like their food cooked, or fattened up...
Anyone caught trying to permavore a meal in the regular section will be eaten by Gilda_Grizelda or Sam_Prd
This menu is full of tasty ponys:
This menu is full of tasty Humans:
This menu is full of tasty Nekos:
This menu is full of tasty Micros:
This menu is full of the pred who can eat you:
Pred Boss: Gilda_Grizelda Powerfull sexy and lovely Gryphonia want have her pred sevice send me a pub telling me you want her.
Pred General first grade: Milly_Evans A lovely Elf woman who enjoy eat and digest other poor people who get close her. Her accept the work cause in the contract say food free funny no? well her is your end please enter in the room her is waiting for her meal.