MadFoxProductions Presents:
卐 - The Pacific Sirens - 卐
First, the gals, and their basic backgrounds. All wear standard Kriegsmarine apparel, save for the captain...who's uniform is deep black rather than navy blue.
The Captain at Sea:
Species: Lioness
Name: Kalista D. Nautilis
Nickname: 'The Huntress'
Combative Record:
Successful Operations/Failures - 1,850/0
Time on the Ship - 2
Physical Stats:
Build-Muscular (The 'Rosie The Riveter' build)
Cup Size-C45
This woman is almost a personification of Socialist Government...a brutal, commanding type that seems to bully her opposition until they drop to their knees, bowing before her and the Reich.
However, she does have a soft side to her, if you aren't her enemy she won't hate you, and she may grow to trust and accept you as she gets closer to you. This may take awhile though, as she tends to only trust her ship and her crew. She doesn't even trust the government that writes her that may be to some advantages.~
She can be a bit more of a mercenary type, who's loyalty is earned for life, or bought for a term...her paycheck is the Reich's way of buying her loyalty.
This means if something pays better, or if she loses her loose loyalty to the Reich....she might just rebel,and take her crew and ship with her.
Working on the other girls as we speak, will update the profile as they come along!

A fun little game, where you play as a submariner for the Kreigsmarine.