Being born to wealth and status is one thing... being born to wealth, status, and expectations is ANOTHER. At least, if you're a decent sort who gives a damn about your family and culture... not everyone is! It's a valid concern!
In Shiro's case, he was, indeed, born to Wealth, Staus, and Expectations. The son of the first Tenma Successor in living memory(Besides, that is, the previous Tenma), great things indeed are expected of him. His Mother is a White Inu, and captain of the Border Patrol, and... well. His other Mother is the current Lord Tenma. It's complicated, but hey, them's the breaks. HIs sister is the most magically-gifted inu in generations, where wind magic is concerned. So... well. He's got some expectations lumped on him!
Of course, he's a bit strange himself... where his sister Shiori((
Tenma_Shiori)) was born with green hair and fur, and an unusual frailty for an Inu, he's got his own oddities. For one, where most Karasu have black wings, his are a shiny blue-black! And where most have more mundane hair colors, typically blacks and browns, his is white, worn long out of neglect for haircuts more than any sense of fashion. His eyes are a rather unusual shade of purple, as well... which combines to make him exotic and interesting to most Tengu lasses. Sad to say, he doesn't handle this too well, being awkward and nervous thanks to the expectations on him, but he tries, dammit! ... at least his height is normal, though, at five feet and eight inches tall.
Of course, that's not all there is to him. Where most karasu tengu have a moderate affinity for wind magic, he's got that, and then some! In fact, he might be THE most magically-gifted tengu in generations, and, well, some of the best mages in Gensokyo have been teaching him all they know. There's some very lofty expectations of him, but whether or not they're unreasonable remains to be seen...
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