This profile is made to be grabbed from The CodePen Page
Put the content of the HTML box in your “Profile Body” box and tick “Use HTML For Profile Body”
Put the content of the CSS box in the Stylesheet box and make sure “Use Bootstrap Styles” is not ticked.
Put the content of the JS box in your JavaScript box.
You only need to input one colour as a HSL value and the profile code works out other colours from that.
You can convert colours to HSL using this tool
The profile then selects a complimentary colour and shades in order to attempt to make the profile have a consistent and attractive theme without requiring the user to plug in 20 colour codes into various CSS classes.
The profile is also made to work on most screen sizes, and be intuitive for mobile.
PSA if your text is hyper-small you didn't disable Bootstrap.

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This little box is for OOC comments or just you know extra content you want to look a little different.