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Temperance Ellison LeFay. Scion of the dread Faith LeFay.
Survivor of the Reynauld Purge, which utterly razed the scourge that raised her.
A first glance might make you think she's a normal, unassuming girl. Perhaps seventeen or eighteen, no more than five and a half feet tall.
Dark brown hair falls to her chin, and often hangs into her face, despite the adornments and pigtails worked into it.
Typically, she's seen in a 'school uniform' of sorts, wearing a tidy white blouse, a dark navy blazer, and a knee-length navy skirt,
along with sheer, black stockings and mary janes.
Just as often, she's seen with a long, comfy silk scarf, piled up around her neck, in deep burgundy. Typically, her eyes are a deep,
brown, and she has a warm, welcoming smile, when she's not hiding her mouth behind the scarf that's piled up around her neck and shoulders.
Unless she's thirsty.
Then, one might see the glittering, yellow-gold eyes, that seem to pierce right to the soul. Or the distinctly pointed canines she sports.
She does try to hide her vampiric nature, but fresh blood, or open wounds tend to bring it out of her. Her control is.. passing, at best,
and Temperance tends to try to keep a hold on it by avoiding temptation. Understandably, because of her history, Temperance is relucant to
reveal her true nature, except in private, or in safe, knowledgable company.
The most notable talent she inherited from her scion was a relatively high resistance to sunlight, compared to most vampires. She can
often withstand being out in daylight with nothing but a parasol protecting her from direct contact. Alongside with this, she has
many of the typical talents of vampires. Enhanced speed, strength, resilience. Hypnotic gaze. And others.