Team Rockets most Fabulous Member... Jaaaammmmeeesss!
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Periwinkle
Hometown: Unknown
Region: Kanto
At some point James Mime Jr had evolved into a Mr Mime before rejoining him after he's accidental split with the rest of the team rocket Trio. after Evolution, Mr Mime had learned the powerful move psychic along with the move Dazzling Gleam ever since James found out he''s Mr Mime was now part Fairy, other moves include it's trademark Mimic from it's Mime Jr Days aswel as the move James had been hit with so often in he's life, Thunderbolt.
Meet James only known pokemon he had caught from Kalos, however at that time it was just a simple Inkay, now a Powerful Malamar, it has learned moves like Hypnosis to put anyone who goes against James to sleep, it also knows the cutting moves Psycho Cut and Night Slash and it's last move is the powerful move Superpower.
James used to own a Gyrados however this is not the same one from back then, nor is it that second magikarp that he thought was a feebas, instead this is the third time that shady magikarp salesman had screwed him, however instead of throwing it away like the last ones, he decided to keep it, training it slowly and eventually till it became the beast of destruction Gyrados, a pokemon James has been on the receiving end of being blasted off more then once. after evolution he's Gyrados had learned moves like Hydro Pump and Hyper beam with Flamethrower being taught to him by a TM along with the move Dragon Tail making him the strongest on James team.
After giving Yanmask to Giovanni after he's adventures in Unova, James would have Yanmask returned to him and a few short days later it had evolved into the pokemon known as Cofagirigus, knowing the move Protect to make sure powerful moves are nothing to him, however this pokemon also knows it's fair share of offensive moves such as Ominous Wind and Shadow ball however if all else fails it has one trump move left, Destiny Bond which means if Cofagirigus faints so does it's opponent.
After trading away he's love sick Canea, James decided to seek out another one after all he adored he's Carnivine to much to trade it back, once capturing a Cacnea he would battle with it like he's old one, clinging to him before battle then using moves like Pin Missle, Needle arm and Sandstorm however after alot of battles Cacnea would evolve into the Cacturne, keeping the same moves that it did in it's previous form it would learn one more move that James took great pride in, the move Solarbeam which is the second strongest Grass move right behind Frenzy plant.
Going back to he's faithful Carnivine who loves to bite into he's head before each battle had grown much stronger since the Sinnoh region thanks to team rocket and once back in the hands of James, he had learned Carnivine was much stronger with moves like Crunch over bite, Leaf tornado over razor leaf and Power Whip over Vine Whip and another powerful Move Team Rocket would live off of, Giga Impact making Carnivine a powerful pokemon in battle for James.
Like James owning 3 Magikarp's so will he own 4 Victoreebel's, knowing Jessie wouldn't let him capture another one while she was teamed with him cause of what the second one did to her and the fact he traded one annoying pokemon away in he's 1st one for the second then the 3rd one for a Carnivine. James made sure to capture a weepenbell after the accidental split blast off, using a leaf stone on it soon after he would make it he's strongest Victoreebel, letting it learn moves like Sleep Powder to put it's foes to sleep, he would also take it back to team rockets headquarters to have them teach it the powerful move Hyper beam and Solarbeam before it learned it's last move Leaf Blade.
The History of James
An only child of millionaires, James was forced to endure formal society while growing up. Often having to take part in numerous lessons and activities he had little to no interest in, he eventually began to grow weary of the rules and standards that appeared to be ever-present within the upper-class.
At a young age, he was engaged to a girl named Jessebelle. It was revealed in The Treasure Is All Mine! that he wanted to marry her at some point but he changed his mind after he saw how controlling and overbearing she was. Unable to stand her, he ran away, leaving his lavish lifestyle as well as beloved pet Growlithe, Growlie, behind.
He then enrolled in Pokémon Tech, a Trainers' school, where he met Jessie, and subsequently failed and dropped out. After this, as revealed in The Bridge Bike Gang, Jessie and James joined a bicycle gang in Sunnytown, where James was known for using training wheels, acquiring the nicknames "Little Jim" and "Trainer James".
Due to conflicts in canon between Kanto and Johto episodes and the special episode Training Daze, what happened between James and Jessie after the bike gang is unknown. What is known, as shown in the special episode, is that they joined Team Rocket separately and were on initially unfriendly terms after being grouped with Meowth but they quickly made up and became good friends.
James made his series debut in the anime in Pokémon Emergency. Alongside Jessie and Meowth, they set their sights on the injured Pokémon in the Viridian Pokémon Center. Sending out their Ekans and Koffing from their Meowth balloon, they quickly overtook the Pokémon Center, which only had three people inside. Before they could steal any of the Pokémon, however, Ash's Pikachu, who teamed up with many other Pikachu in the Pokémon Center, used an electric attack, causing the entire Pokémon Center to explode. It was here that Team Rocket decided to capture Pikachu, deeming him as an exceptionally powerful Pokémon, and made it their goal to capture him.
In the episode Holy Matrimony!, James returned to his home as a result of a trap by his parents, who pretended to be dead in order to get him to come back to the estate, knowing he would return to pay his respects. He suspected that it was a trap, but he ended up being forced into participating by Jessie and Meowth, who wanted the fortune. After the deception was revealed, he was once again subjected to Jessebelle's torment until Growlie came to his rescue. After temporarily chasing Jessebelle away, James soon left his family's manor and as a result declined his inheritance. Growlie stayed behind upon James's request when he returned to Jessie and Meowth.
In the Best Wishes series, Jessie, James, and Meowth were sent to the Unova region under orders from Giovanni after they were promoted in Memories are Made of Bliss!. Now wearing black uniforms instead of their previous white ones, Jessie and James, along with Meowth, followed various missions given to them by Giovanni through other people. To prevent them from getting too much attention, Giovanni did not allow their other Pokémon to be sent to them, making them use only Pokémon native to Unova. Unknown to the trio, Giovanni was not certain they would be successful; however, he knew that their presence in the region would force Team Plasma to reveal themselves. In Battling for the Love of Bug-Types!, Jessie and James go back to their white uniforms. The trio seems to be more serious and are much less comedic than before, using thought-out methods of escape, such as jetpacks, and thus have not been sent blasting off in the Best Wishes series. They also appear much less often than in previous series.

James in he's Black team rocket outfit
In Meloetta and the Undersea Temple! and Unova's Survival Crisis!, he manages to capture Meloetta but was stalled by Cilan, allowing for Meloetta to get away. However, with Meloetta caught by Giovanni, James and Jessie go inside the submarine with Giovanni and Dr. Zager and take them to the Abyssal Ruins for the awakening of the Kami trio located there.
Along with Jessie and Meowth, James reappeared in New Places... Familiar Faces! where he returned to Unova for the first time since their "Operation Tempest" and temporary retreat back to Kanto. He went back to this old ways by catching Pikachu but with a new addition to his team, with James catching an Amoonguss sometime before meeting up with Ash and company. In The Dream Continues!, he is forced to give away his Pokémon to Giovanni under the pretense that he captured them for him. He returned once again in the XY series, following Ash into the Kalos region. There, James captures an Inkay in A Battle of Aerial Mobility!.
James Character
James has shown to be relatively well versed in various activities, including Pokémon Haiku, Pokémon Orienteering, and PokéRinger, among other things. It is possible that he developed his skills during his temporary separation from Jessie, or even from the many lessons he was enrolled in as a child.
James also has a tendency to cross-dress, but has not done it since Pros and Con Artists, with the exception of the occasional impersonation of characters such as Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, and Jessie. In fact, Dressed for Jess Success! marks the first time he cross-dresses in the Diamond & Pearl series, though it was him disguised as Jessalina. He also often dresses up like famous celebrities as well, such as Professor Oak, Juan, and Norman, and impersonates other non-human objects, including Pokémon, animals, and even bushes and trees.
James loves rare bottle caps and has an impressive collection of them. This hobby started when he was a young child. In the episode All That Glitters! it is revealed that he has "drunk enough soda pop to float an aircraft carrier".
At times, instead of a Pokédex, he uses a deck of cards to identify Pokémon, such as in Gymbaliar! when he first learns of Croagunk's Poison Jab with it, or in Mass Hip-Po-Sis! when he uses it to look up Hippopotas (explaining why he knows the Pokémon to be named "Hippopotas" and not "Hippopontas" as Jessie calls it). They appear to have the same entry as an electronic Pokédex, including a few basic parameters like height and weight, though it is unknown how many Pokémon they include (however, he seems to have used them mostly for Sinnoh Pokémon thus far).
Perhaps due to his heavily enforced, sheltered upbringing, as well as the constant harassment that he had to endure from Jessebelle as a child, James has an odd, somewhat submissive personality. He will regularly comply to whatever ideas the other two come up with, and when he doesn't, usually ends up doing so anyway, like when he was forced to trade his Victreebel away. He also seems to be the most emotional amongst the Team Rocket trio, and if the three should ever happen to get separated, he'll seem very lost without his companions. James also appears to have the most conscience among the three, and is the least prone to backstabbing someone who is kind to him. He can actually be quite sinister when he wants to, however. Also, unlike Jessie, who is prone to anger, he would often get depressed when things don't go his way or if he fails at something. He is also occasionally shown to be a victim, usually along with Meowth, of Jessie's anger. However, James is sometimes shown to get angry himself, though not to the same extent as Jessie.
James has a tendency to be swindled by a Magikarp salesman, who, despite James's increasing wariness and personal vendetta against the shady character, has on many occasions tricked him into buying a Magikarp or other useless Pokémon and items for large sums of money.
Throughout most of the series, James and his two friends were presented as horribly failing and erroneous criminals, always blundering their missions to capture Ash's Pikachu or other Pokémon. However, early in the Best Wishes series, he, along with the rest of his team, has developed a more serious attitude in his work. This slowly reverted back to the previous, blundering attitude by the end of the Best Wishes series. In the XY series, James's Pokémon flash cards returned in the form of a handheld computer that has a Pokédex function.