Hey hey, Elaine here! I'm a tiger taur who is around 1.8 metres tall from head to paws while being 2.2 metres long! And my job... is being a taur taxi!
And that doesn't mean driving around a taxi while being a taur, noooo, I mean I AM the taxi~ Yup! You ride inside me!
Now, why would you choose me over a regular taxi you ask? Well, because I'm a lot comfier than one, duh! And my prices are cheaper! Actually, they're non-existent, since I give rides free of charge!
I also double as a hotel! See more details below!
- Human stomach ride - most basic one.. you enter through my mouth! Only room for two though.
Benefits are that you can get a lot of belly rubs due to the ease for me, and you can talk without being too muffled. Oh, and it's nice and cozy for single-person rides!
A drawback is that it is a bit cramped, even if there is only one person. Might get a tad slimy and messy when I eat.
There's no minimum stay, it's great for short journeys or if you want the 'front seat', but the maximum stay is only 5 hours
- Taur stomach ride - can enter through my mouth and get pushed down, or you can enter through my butt! Room for three or four~
Benefits are you get gently swayed from side to side as I walk since you're hanging below me, and the outside world is quite muffled thanks to the thick walls. It's quite warm too, with my fur coating the tummy, and the thick walls make for quite a cozy and soft room!
A drawback is that your voice will be quite muffled, so that means it might be difficult to communicate. If you're the only person inside, the belly might be too roomy so it won't be that snug against you.
The minimum stay is 2 hours, and it's fine for both short and long journeys with friends. Quite easy to fall asleep in with the rocking and how soft and warm it is, so the max stay is 5 days to 2 weeks depending on how many people I'm carrying!
- Womb ride - a trip to a taur womb! Now that isn't something you experience every day~ Enter through my pussy, duh~ Might be a tight fit! There's barely enough room for two, but it's perfect for single-person rides!
Benefits are you will experience comfort and softness unlike anything you've ever felt before, and you hang below me from my taur half so you get gently rocked as I walk.. similar to the taur stomach ride! The walls are so thick the only things you'll be able to hear clearly are my heartbeat, my other passengers, and perhaps any food churning in my stomach~ To you, the outside world would sound like you were listening to it from underwater
A drawback is that communication to the outside will be very limited, you're probably only able to answer yes or no questions with a kick or two unless someone's pressed right up against my tum!
The minimum stay is 2 weeks, and the maximum stay is 9 months! How will you stay nine months in my womb you ask? Well, that's simple! My body makes you into my pregnancy and provides you with a nice umbilical cord~ Now, with a cord, if you don't leave after 9 months then.. well.. your body becomes dependant completely, and you can't leave since you'd die when it disconnects! So you'll be like a perma baby~ You can ask to be one if you want though! Just means the womb service will be shut down for everyone else!
If you wanna book a ride, just find me and hop in if wherever you wanna stay has room at the moment~ You can usually find me strolling around the park in my free time! If I'm booked full at the moment, you can just hop atop my back, and give belly rubs!
Due to popular demand, I have a digestion option available too for the stomach rides, but you'll have to sign a form of consent before I digest and dump you and anyone involved! Reformation is optional~
Part of
V_Alts (which is now a part of RosiePlayer's characters!)