
"A Gentle Giantess roaming the Arctic Tundra but will not take lightly to those who harm her children. "
(One of the Fated_Four )
(Characters Size can range from 15 feet tall normally up to over 85 feet tall)
(She has been given another name Aukina)
(Can be played as her feral form on request)

Cryokinesis: Control over ice and snow, allowing her to summon blizzards, create ice barriers, and manipulate the environment.
Enhanced Strength and Endurance: Necessary for surviving and thriving in the harsh Arctic conditions.
Animal Empathy: A deep connection to the creatures of the tundra, allowing her to understand and protect them.

Notable Attacks:
Freezing Breath: A cone of icy wind that inflicts Iceblight and can freeze hunters solid.
Blizzard Storm: Aukina summons a raging blizzard, reducing visibility and inflicting Iceblight.
Ice Armor: Aukina coats herself in a thick layer of ice, increasing her defense and inflicting Iceblight on contact.
Charge Attack: Aukina charges at her target with surprising speed, dealing massive damage.


Aukina is an ancient being, born from the very essence of the Arctic. She is the embodiment of the tundra's harsh beauty and the unwavering spirit of its inhabitants. For centuries, she has wandered the vast, frozen landscape, a silent guardian watching over the delicate balance of life.

The creatures of the tundra, from the smallest Popo to the mightiest creatures that call the Tundra home, are her children. She feels their joys and sorrows, their fears and hopes. She nurtures them, shelters them from the biting winds, and ensures their survival in the unforgiving environment.

While she prefers solitude and tranquility, Aukina is not afraid to unleash her power when necessary. Poachers, reckless explorers, and those who seek to exploit the Arctic's resources have learned to fear her wrath. Her blizzards can blind and disorient, her ice barriers can trap and imprison, and her strength is enough to crush any who dare to harm her charges.

Possible Story Hooks:

The Vanishing Calves: Aukina discovers that the young Popo calves are disappearing, and she must uncover the cause before the herd is decimated.
The Frozen Heart: A powerful sorcerer seeks to steal Aukina's heart, believing it holds the key to controlling the Arctic's magic.
The Lost Child: A human child becomes lost in a blizzard, and Aukina, despite her distrust of humans, feels compelled to protect them.
The Awakening Threat: An ancient evil awakens from the depths of the frozen earth,Aukina must rise to defend her home.