"Human..elf, child,beast, Dog...all of them will come under my rule, I just need time..."
Is what constantly goes through Tallia's mind-just make everything under her control..then live a life of luxury. Having every need tended to her-not having to lift a finger once...of course-this is achievable by turning everyone into a mindless thrall, She doesn't just turn them into a zombie, no that would be a terrible idea..those things that only hunger for brains? No..she keeps some humanity in them, to the point where they can actually carry out tasks she sets for them-and they won't kill everything they see..in fact-if they see you..you better not have a open wound-or your as good as infected.
Personality wise shes sane-ish, she has this crazy gleam in her eye if you have something she wants-which is either your mind, your body, or something in possession, but other then that...She's 'nice' but she will literally criticize every little thing someone does if she can-without making herself look bad. All of that is a mask of course, if you're alone with her in a secluded area she's going to be a utter-horrible bitch to you-if she doesn't kill you or assimilate you first that is.
Etc notes about the plague and such
The 'plague' is really just a very powerful curse-it can be broken, although itle take someone very strong to do it. Not many can resist it either-unless you have the willpower of a god to annoy the annoying voice in your head as she constantly commands you, she depends on insanity depleting. Then the rest of the curse follows suit, losing utter control of your mind and body, then the other effects come in. What it seems to
not effect, are Powerful Demons-Dragons-People with extreme will-Other magical beings, even then though-she can make it work, if it gets under their skin-Or if they let their guard down. Although if she isn't nearby, its spread of the curse is through the thralls biting or clawing at the being until there's any opening wound at all. Any dead in the proximity of the plagued will rise, and become more thralls.
She also has the curse on herself-as well as her own preservation magic, she is essentially immortal to a point...the only things that can really kill her are mages, blessed and holy artifacts mixed with a ritual..and other things, merely lobbing her head off isn't going to do much but give you a maniacal head laughing at you. Her pet is also linked to her very soul-and is one of the very few things that can bypass her spells instantly and kill her, if it dies, or if she dies..one of them will feel as if half of them is missing...
The plague that goes throughout each one of her loyal servants is nothing petty-just one person infected can not even know it..they will go throughout their regular days..occasionally hearing a 'voice' inside of their head telling them to do something..it starts as a whisper, then it turns into a scream..then it turns into a regular tone, but by then-sanity is gone. Their skin pales, their eyes lose color, and No, they don't hunger for brains, or flesh. that's what her very own pets hunger for.
Public view
Thats her in not in public-and when she's feeling slaughtery. Around the normal people, and when she's not trying to spread her curse everywhere she see's how humanity goes on its own-and she hates it. She disguises herself as a regular person-Actual Blouse, Skirt, and her stockings-she'll never take those off. She of course doesn't wear her trench coat like this-the skulls and the weird cross she carries around would make people suspicious...all they really see is a weird eyed girl, who couldn't seem to harm a fly.
regeneration: Her regeneration is not too powerful-for even a mortal wound would take her about two hours to heal from it-black etherical threads 'stitch' each one of her wounds back together, and in a rather gruesome fashion. She always laughs and claims it tickles when it happens. Ways to get rid of this, is to break her spells, or devour her- Merely chopping her up won't do it anything except give you a very disturbing show.
Curse: Is rather self explanatory, if you read above, its what they get 'infected' with.
Mutate: she can alter the form of one of the cursed beings-or someone she really hates, and change their form utterly and completely..into whatever she wants, although-they can resist it..or if she gets interrupted, they will go unchanged
Summon: she can summon many manner of beast and demon-but that doesn't they will listen to her.
Disguise: her body-in all honesty, isn't normal half the time, she uses a disguised form most of the time, because no one will ever suspect a really small girl to be a necromancer-She will once in a blue moon show someone her true form, but, that person will likely
die if they are not a thrall.
Tendrils: What kind of evil necromancer would she be if she didn't have tendrils? They are black, aetherical, and very solid-and strong, she can make them sprout out of every part of her body, they are the things that stitch her back together after all-and replace her blood and lost flesh. She uses them in several ways-Utter rape, Restraining, Aid in devouring, and pleasing her partners, Examples of this are making them come out inside her slit and caress whatevers jammed up in it, and for eating-they violently grab, squeeze, and tug them down.
magic imbued blood She has given herself a sort-of immortality, the details of which are listed above, however-Her blood, if drunk by a vampire. (or someone who's absolutely insane.) Can get a sort of link to her, they have to gorge themselves on it though, And the thing is she has an unlimited amount of blood, so by default..shed be a blood fountain for a vampire. The blood is also black
sweet flesh She hadn't anticipated that her flesh would taste absolutely **wonderful** from having magic imbued blood-That being said, her flesh is usually sweet, and her blood is sort of like a honey flavor, She'd change this if she could, but she can't.
Notable Thralls/Creations/Risen/Favored subjects:
Zombie A rather unique zombie she found, she thought he was pretty useless at first, but he proved himself useful (after getting a replacement leg) and..very good at pleasing her.
Denafarius: her "dog", who is a ravenous abomination-Who knows what it once was before, she's mutated it so badly its impossible to tell, she calls it dog-and rarely, by name, it is eight feet tall in its humanoid form, and five in its 'dog' form, it has hard skin resistant to most things-but if one gets under it, it can, and will go down pretty easily if you know its weaknesses, its also linked to her, So it has the same regeneration abilities.
Rasmus: Her 'father' figure, hes been with her since she was born, her parents probably made him as an eternal guardian for her. Although he usually heads off in the distance and watches her, just seeing how she does and such. Hes actually even more powerful than Denafarius, He knows all the kinds of magic Tallia does-minus the plague and he is impossibly strong, hes a much more effective bodyguard..although he only comes to her in time of great need, or to pamper her. She has no control over him.
Family/Other relationships
Yowvelia, Ah, sibling rivalry, these two have always been at eachothers throats since Tallia started her conquest, hindering her progress at every step, and not to mention the wars they have with eachother..yet each of them always get away unscathed..maybe someday, one of them will die.
Tallia's 'disguise' Body (Red text)
Age: if one were to ask her-shed respond 14~16, Shes really *much* older then that.
Personality: Sane/Insane, Dominant, Bitch, Manipulative, Illusion of "kind" in public, prideful
Skin color: Pale
Hair: Silver-Blonde
Eyes: blood-Red
Height: 5'1
Weight: "...."
Bust: Small B's
Hair Length: Short
Attire: Trench coat, Stockings, black leather gloves
Noticeable attributes: A pretty big knife on her hip, and that giant beast that follows her literally everywhere-it has two forms.. one is a dog-like, the other is Humanoid
Tallia's Actual Body (Grey text)
Age: if one were to ask her-shed respond 21, Shes really *much* older then that.
Personality: Sane/Insane, Dominant, Bitch, Manipulative, Illusion of "kind" in public, prideful
Skin color: Pale
Hair: Silver-Blonde
Eyes: blood-Red
Height: 6'2
Weight: "...."
Bust: 36D
Hair Length: Down to her lower back
Attire: Trench coat, Stockings, black leather gloves, dress underneath
Noticeable attributes: A pretty big knife on her hip, and that giant beast that follows her literally everywhere-it has two forms.. one is a dog-like, the other is Humanoid
OOC Notes:
Talk to me like a person.
Player is Female
RP Statuses:
Online: Figuring out what I want to do, go ahead and talk to me.
Away: I'm away from the computer.
LFRP: Looking for a RP, public, or, private.
Do Not Disturb/DND: Do Not Disturb Me.
Prey: Prey-mood
Pred: Predatory mood
OOC: Likely will never use.
IC: In a RP, I can talk, but don't expect to RP with me.
Open: Open for just about anything.
Yet another alt of
Her real body, it really brings out the crazy in her everything.
Don't let her beast catch you alone..
Tallia acting..naughty. Her knife is also in that 'cross' its her sheath.
Rasmus and Tallia, and yes, That is her knife that she uses that hes holding, this is a few years after she was born, and before her sanity dissipated and she well, became evil.