
The A'lea live in a dense, vast jungle where species can grow to tremendous proportions due to the oxygen-rich air and abundant food sources. Talea's species is one of these oddities. While proportionately identical to humans, A'lea grow to hundreds of feet tall, and are among the apex predators of the jungle due to their sophisticated intellect (Relative to the mostly feral population of the jungle) and sheer mass, outsized only by the several-thousand foot tall trees engulfing the deepest parts of the jungle. For these same reasons, however, their population is quite scarce. The ecosystem can only support so many hundred foot tall amazons, of course. Only a few hundred exist, each living in small family clans, denoted by the markings decorating their skin.

The A'lea posess keen senses to aid them in the hunting of small prey. Of course, small is a relative term. Their canines are slightly larger and more fang-like than a humans, to allow for easier consumption of living prey, however if the meal is small enough it is typically swallowed whole.

The A'lea's skin-tone, hair and eye-colors are fairly uniform throughout the species, due to a small genepool. Skin color ranges from varying shades of light tan, while hair ranges from white to shades of green, and eye-color is uniformly green or blue.

The genders of the A'lea are curious to say the least. Females are as expected from a human perspective. A male, in human terms, does not really exist among the A'lea, however. The male A'lea are identical to the females in every regard, from functioning breasts to feminine curves and voice, with the key and only exception being the sex organ. 'Male' A'lea often have multiple wives, considering that they're more rare than female A'lea. It is also not uncommon for male A'lea to be offered gifts to bed females of another family or clan, which not only helps with keeping the clans on friendly terms but also to promote healthy clan numbers.

Clothing is not really known amongst the A'lea; it is simply not necessary. They do practice in adorning themselves with simple jewelry from time to time, such as makeshift necklaces, bracelets or anklets, but nothing more. They're often used as an indicator for how successful an A'lea is. This is especially true for male A'lea.

The A'lea typically live in clearings they create or find in the jungle, where the trees are far enough apart to provide space for makeshift living arrangements such as beds made of large, flat leaves from the canopy and jugs of water or stored fruit. Most of the smaller denizens of the jungle know well to stay away from these obvious A'lea encampments, lest they become lunch.

A few of Talea's wives.

~~ Player Note ~~

Talea is a big girl, but she can also be played as small as ten to fourteen feet tall to make her accessible to more 'normal' alts! Don't just be scared off by her size. :3