Basically... Six feet tall, slender, with light skin and long hair of varying color, apparently depending on her mood, as well as a pair of massive, white, feathery, wings. Typically wears simple, white dresses, but that MAY just be keeping up appearances. She either goes barefoot or wears naught but light sandals, and her eyes are always, always, ALWAYS blue, and her ears are slender, tapering to a point, much like an elf's.
In truth, Syranne is rather more impressive than she looks(And she DOES look fairly impressive). She is a goddess, after all. However, she's not a terribly traditional one. She doesn't much desire worshipers(though she has a few of them), and she really doesn't do much in the realm of mortals, at least overtly. However, she does work subtly, behind the scenes... typically providing inspiration to those within her domain.
And what, pray tell, IS her domain? Well, it may be surprising, but her domain, in fact, is art and science! Mostly, she works subtly, by providing inspiration. On occasion, though, she will visit the mortal realm in disguise, offering advice and aid to those lucky few who attract her interest, sometimes posing as a model, working as an assistant, or just subtly slipping a scribble into someone's pocket, or a component. It's the little things that make all the difference, after all.
At the same time, though, being in her position is rather lonely. After some time spent among mortals, she felt a curious longing for companionship, and, well, for a family. Not being part of a pantheon, she doesn't enjoy any relationship aside from wary observation from other gods and goddesses, mostly making sure she does not interfere with their business. She doesn't mind that so much, but, as stated, she got lonely. And, in the end, she hit upon a simple, single solution: She would make a family for herself.
The end result of this was a simple one, and it perfectly suited her needs and desires. Using a portion of her own essence as the base, and shaping it with her will, Syranne created
Tsubaki, a masterwork of her own, flesh and metal melded perfectly into a single, innocent, living being, whom she raised as her daughter, keeping her as a constant companion, bringing the girl with her on all her own journeys and teaching her quite a few things. However... however.
In the end, Syranne's domain grew. Her power was slightly lessened by creating Tsubaki, and at the same time the mortal races were growing rapidly in technological skill and the number of artists. There were ever more people who needed her intervention, and she didn't have the time to stay with Tsubaki. In the end, this lead to the angel making a request, which surprised Syranne greatly, but also pleased her at the same time.
Her daughter left the goddess' realm shortly after that, on a grand adventure of her own. Blessed and protected by her mother, she was on her way to gaining a new understanding of mortals and of life in general, and Syranne was able to ensure her safety in many ways. As it happens, though, this sparked Syranne's own curiosity, and she was as curious as Tsubaki, in the end.
So, now she's come down here, simply for the experience of it, and perhaps because she's feeling lonely again...
Androids, gynoids, cyborgs, and mechagirls... well, she's GOING to be interested in you. And other machines, too.