BIG NOTE: This character is now and forever safe from all types of permavore. No risk games, no tags, no nothing. Why? Cause I love who I love. If you have a problem with it, sorry, it's not changing.
Here is one of the sweetest succubi you will ever meet. She is loving and generous to all who come in contact with her. She is NOT out to steal your soul or anything like that.
Vanessa is quite simply a powerful cuddle buddy. Well...that's what she wants to be anyway, and she tries to be the best she can. Her species however keeps her from being able to be that cuddle buddy she desires to be.
She is capable of doing many very dangerous things, some she can control, some are accidental. She can hypnotize someone just by walking in such a way that makes her breasts or ass bounce while they stare. She can shrink someone down to a tiny size, she can grow or shrink to just about any size, her wings can grow out to huge sizes or be hidden completely. Her wings can also wrap around someone and the person might accidentally disappear.
Her body and personality contradict each other. She wants to be loving and safe, but her body is built more for control and domination...but perhaps she can find a safe medium?
Vanessa has experimented with her abilities and found which ones she likes, which ones can be fun, and which ones she tries her hardest to avoid. Her favorite ability is the hypnosis. It might be the most dominating of her abilities, but it allows her to cuddle with the hypnotized person and she can give them some freedom of thought or action.
Another favorite ability of hers is body containment. She can take someone into her body and hold them for indefinite lengths of time. They are totally safe inside her for as long as she holds them. She can let them out at any time and while they are in her they are extra sensitive, meaning that rubbing the part of the body someone is stored in could almost cause an orgasm by itself.
One of her more feared abilities is soul snatching. If she's not careful during sex, she could suck someone's very soul from their body and into her own. She has yet to find a way to put the soul back into the body, but she is a little more relaxed during vaginal sex as the soul can be used to impregnate her, meaning the prey will be back eventually in body...if the soul goes up her rump though, it might just float around as a soul forever...or at least until she learns to put souls back.
Over time Vanessa has learned a few other tricks that not all succubi are capable of. See the bikini she's wearing? That used to be a kitty couple, but she turned them to clothes...don't worry they were only that way for 5 minutes so she could take the pic. She doesn't like to be naked on camera and they wanted to take a picture with her.
Now you may be asking how she's so dangerous? Well like it was mentioned before, she doesn't have total control of her powers. The hypnosis could break your mind and make you a mindless pet with no return. The body containment is MOSTLY safe, but if a paladin or holy warrior of some kind determines she's a threat and they try to kill her soul, they'll kill the contained instead. The transformations don't always come undone just right either. If something happens while she's wearing the clothing they may not be able to turn back for a LONG time.
She does love to make friends though! If you are willing to risk the above to be her friend she'll happily take you! Especially if you willingly allow her to hypnotize you just for fun. She's not cruel to her hypnotized friends at all.
She has developed some games to play with any friends of hers that want to take a little risk. She'll let herself go and either fate or the friend can determine the outcomes! But be careful, if the game goes too wrong you could be mind broken or jiggly forever in body containment...or you could end up hypnotizing her for yourself. It's all on fate.
Game 1. Hypnosis! (The easy way)
She takes out a stopwatch and gives you 1 minute to roll as many single d20s as you can. At the end, count up the number of rolls and the total. She'll then roll the same number. If her total is higher than yours, She hypnotizes you! If hers is lower, she'll do something for you.
Game 2. More risky hypnosis.
A score range is set (normally about 125-150) you have 1 minute to roll a single dice as much as you can and to try and beat that total. If you lose, with less than 100 points, you are mind broken. If you lose within 25 points, you're simply hypnotized. If you get in the range, you win, you get a prize. If you somehow get in the 170s she is somehow hypnotized.
(This game assumes you can roll once per 6 seconds, totalling ten rolls. All 20s is a 200. All 5s is 100. Not too difficult to win, but also likely to get basic hypnosis)
Game 3. Body storage.
You willingly hug her and she hugs you. During the hug she will try to pull you into her body playfully, and you have to resist if you can. There are also difficulty settings.
Easy: You roll and the total takes -10. If you get down to negative 10 you're absorbed. 50 is free
Medium: She rolls against you. Subtract her roll from your own. -15 is absorbed and 75 is free
hard:She rolls against you with an extra 5 sides on her dice. -30 is absorption, 100 is free
Once absorbed into her, your conscious mind can still talk to her...and you can opt for an additional game. If you take this game you run the risk of being lost to her body for a span of time. Since this is a CHOICE please don't whine about it (If asked before, can be just for fun to see how it would end, but don't say it was just for fun after you've lost)
Game 4. (once inside her)
You roll a d20. For all rolls less than 5, you get a - counter. For all above 15 you get a + counter. WHen either counter reaches 10, the game ends. If it was 10 - you are stuck for a number of days equal to total rolls. If greater than 30 you're stuck til she chooses to release you. If 10 + you are free instantly and get a free kiss!
More games to come in time ;)
Alternate bodies:

Vanessa and
Julia_bunbun This was commissioned by me, looks good! :3
from Lyra!