They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This one was worth at least a few hundred, irritated words with the friend who took it and shared it around, and it also rather ended the friendship.
In a world of monstergirls, though, there's not really any surprise about certain stereotypes, is there? They're rapacious, cock-hungry monsters, without exception, at least according to the stereotype.
The thing is... Suyomi isn't. At all. Sure, she likes guys, but the first time she met a perv, well, let's just say that she walloped him somewhere sensitive and unfortunate(for him, at least) with her tail. That sent a rather clear message to the other pervs in her class, too. But, well, every time she goes to a new school, or there's a new student at her current school, this sort of nonsense happens, and frankly she's SICK of it. After all, she can't help being what she is, nor can she help that there ARE many monstergirls out there who are like that.
Suyomi, however, isn't. This might be in part due to her family, which is a rather more traditional mermaid(at least as far as upbringing), in her mother, and a loving, doting human father. Her mother, apparently, fits the stereotype rather more, but her dad has always been a stabilizing influence for both of them. Her mom... well, she's settled down nicely, and Suyomi, as a result, has gotten a less-traditional monstergirl upbringing, focusing far less on getting a man/snack and more on... well, being more human, if such a thing is possible.
She's not the only one, of course. There's LOTS of monstergirls out there who have become 'civilized' and moved in with humans, the two societies slowly merging. However, at the same time, there's other influences at play. Many monsters are strict traditionalists, clinging to their old ways of life and bad habits.
Suyomi, though, goes to school! Or rather, she's gone to many schools. Her parents are both in the navy, so they actually move around a lot, with her changing schools at least every few years, and sometimes more often than that. As a result, she doesn't have many long-term friends, and tends to keep to herself a bit, as she's leery of meeting people she might become friends with. This also, often, keeps her from running afoul of bullies, though there's always exceptions. She copes well enough, though.
Now sixteen years old, she's been to something like ten different schools in her life. Honestly, she's lost count. However, she's always had her parents, and a few close friends whom she keeps in touch with online. And, well, there are perks to having parents in the navy.
After all, she's always near water. ALWAYS. Salt, fresh, doesn't matter to her subspecies of mermaid, as they're adapted to deal with either kind. She's always got somewhere to swim, and she LOVES swimming(but has been forbidden to join the swim team). As well, she's always learning interesting things. Her mother, in fact, has her wanting to join as well, as a diver, with her stories of all the interesting things she could see and do, while the added benefit of a college education and guaranteed work has proven tempting indeed. She's still making up her mind, but everyone's betting that she's going to follow in her mother's footsteps.
Still, for now she's still in school, with all that that entails. Boys, girls, perverts, assholes, and everything else that comes with it are heavy on her mind. It's not so bad, though, really, as her father and mother are posted rather more permanently than usual at present, and she's actually getting to meet people and make friends....