
Looking for Surinya? Well she's not around anymore, at least not in a visible form. If you want to find her, you'll have to look around Lorelei's neck, because her soul is now forever bound to her necklace, unless her mercy shall one day extend to releasing her soul as well.
Name: Surinya Bendictus
Age: 25
Sex: Female (Can herm on request)
Location: Everywhere
Surinya is a busty female with a knack for making others fall in love with her when they lay eyes on her. If that isn't enough, she's able to make a person completely loyal to her with a touch, though she rarely does so as it destroys the person she touches that way, leaving them with raw devotion and loyalty to her. She uses her wiles to score an easy meal or to get out of trouble with officials, whomever they may be.
Since she's loathe to use her main power unless she deems it a complete emergency, due to the nature of what her power does, she only uses it when threatened. For the most part, she prefers her meals to be willing and enjoys the thrill of seducing them. Though great in the art of seduction, she does have a problem: she falls easily for most women. If she's caught off guard by a gorgeous woman, she easily turns into an embarrassed and flustered girl, forgetting what she knows of seduction and her power in her presence. Continual exposure will let her develop a tolerance for this however, but that's over time and if she manages to survive...
OOC: No sliders because I have no limits. She's open for both pred and prey roles with the possibility of permavore on the line.