Name: Sunny Gold
Sex Female
Age: 18
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Red
Height: 5'4
Weight: N/A
Vore Pref: 100% Prey (Unwilling)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Abilities: None
Taste like: Vanilla Ice Cream and Cherry Blossoms
Sunny is your every day Average blonde haired 18 year old human girl who loves to go on Adventures in her care free life. one big problem, she is weak but she has the attitude to mouth off at anyone who comes near her with a bad idea, most common those who try to devour her... Cherry blossom Shampoo and Vanilla scented body wash, who wouldn't wanna try.
Even monsters get some lip from this girl but normally, they also eat her cause of her attitude... but she continues to adventure even with that fact, being a spoild little princess isn't her idea but thats how she was raised so yeah... bow to her if you like.
While online, she had heard about the world of Pokemon, she seemed like this would get her the adventure she dreamed of and she would take it, Sunny Gold was on her way on becoming a Pokemon trainer, if she could catch her first pokemon that is, she never played the games or studied so she might need some help

Sunny Being Hot and Awesome

A Young Sunny

Chibi Cuteness

Feeling lonley

Sunny in a bikini
Pics do not belong to me but will remove them if the original owner has a problem with it
Pokemon Adventure
Day 1: Captured a Fletchling with the help of
Pkmn_Lilly and joined up with her.
Name: Mr Tweetums
Pokemon: Fletchling
Level: 5
Type: Flying
Gender: Male
Attacks: Tackle, Peck
Caught at: Route 4, Luminose, Kalos