Emergency entry protocols engaged. Shields at maximum. Atmospheric descent in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....
Shit falls into the atmosphere all the time, of course. There are millions of tiny little specs of debris that hit it all the damned TIME. Very nearly all of them are vaporized on entry. Others explode lower down, or are just too damned small for anything to really happen aside from a rather heavy impact with the ground.
What fell THAT day, though, was unlike anything the world had seen before.
It came in way too fast, and way too steep, to have been able to survive. Its size was just too small for any of it to remain intact. However, as the world watched, the UFO tumbled, and flickered, and stayed intact, before suddenly shifting trajectories, as sensors around the world started freaking out, registering highly unusual energy readings. Where it had been about to land on solid ground, it sharply shifted, and landed three miles offshore. It was never seen again, but the reaction was instantaneous. SOMETHING fell from the SKY! Alien technology! Fame and fortune! A new world order to be shaped by whoever could claim it! ... or so the crackpots screamed.
The thing is, though, that NO ONE knows what it was. They never got a good enough look at it. A passing jet caught a glimpse of it, but it was highly distorted by some sort of energy field around the object, and then the object blew past the jet at supersonic speeds, hitting the ocean hard enough to cause a fairly significant flight hazard.
What actually fell that day, though, was something no one expected. It was, yes, alien. However... what fell that day was also ALIVE. And, more to the point, she's adapted rather well to life on earth, thanks to what she's done since impact. A few hacked satellites, plus unlimited internet access, and she's been able to learn quite a bit in a hurry, picking up pop culture references, tropes, and even behavior patterns in a hurry. One might worry that her behavior would be overly influenced by such things as sitcoms, but apparently youtube is a great way to learn how to behave in a social environment!
So... yeah. Meet Starhammer! Or, rather, meet Star. It's the only name she has, she insists! A blatant lie, but a comfortable one, and an acceptable quirk for someone to have. She's from quite some distance away, though she is, of course, reluctant to say where. The general impression is that she's a runaway who knows what she's doing. Most of the time, she keeps to herself, watching people, and just doing her own thing. It's enough for now, isn't it?
Of course... being able to just, well, stay here, tends to indicate that she looks rather human, doesn't it? And, indeed, she does. She can very easily pass for human, and, well, she does. A little work on her ears was all it took, and a change of her skin pigment. She looks just like any other sixteen year old redhead, with blue eyes and a slender, budding figure. Perky curves, soft skin, a cheerful grin, and simple, comfortable clothes all make for a convincing illusion of humanity.
However, her humanity is only an illusion, and she IS here for a reason. What that reason IS hasn't become apparent yet, but it may have something to do with the signal that every radio in the world can pick up, playing on repeat in a language no one speaks or understands...
((That should be enough for now, and frankly, considering how much I wrestled with this alt, it may have to be enough. Please whisper if interested, but not ICly))