After a night of lewd fun, the horny witch ended up getting herself melted inside
Jenny_Jager’s left nut. Though her soul is in no real danger, Kait is enjoying her predicament far too much to be released just yet. In the meantime, those seeking Kait can give Jenny a blowjob and get a taste of the liquified sorceress.
My name is Kait, but what you call me does not matter.
Through destiny, magic, and sacrifice I have come to your world.
My body is yours, consume me as I am.
My soul mine alone. I long for you to take my body, destroy me, absorb me, transform me… but my spirit will not be broken.
Misadventures thus far:
I met a gorgeous mortal named Erika, and it turns out we have a lot in common. On our first date we fed ourselves into an industrial meatgrinder after I bewitched us to feel pleasure instead of pain. Ask me about our delicious girl-burgers!
Jenny_Jager thought she could own me. She’s very strong but not nearly as powerful as I am! She kinda took me by surprise when she ‘cocked’ me alive, but I gave her a taste of my power by devouring the soul that already existed there, (Buh-bye Dani!) and taking over her body and jizzing out a few dozen mall-goers. Honestly, I really enjoyed being a fat, throbbing cock, so I turned Jenny’s dick into a horcrux so I can just plug my spirit in and take control whenever I like!
Jenny’s hungry cock throbs…My Queen and Overlord, Alissa, has become hungry, and I cannot refuse to serve her. We have turned my body into living candy, and enchanted my nerves to feel only pleasure in the place of pain. She is savoring me, bit by bit. Who knows how long it’ll be ‘til she devours all of me.
Player_Erika is my girlfriend until one of us decides to play for keeps~
Overlord_Alissa is my Goddess Queen. I worship her with everything I have~
Jenny_Jager’s fat, throbbing cock is inhabited and controlled by a large fragment of my soul. It’s like Jenny has her own personal clone of me, except I can feel it too no matter where I am.