Hey I have a job to do, and I'll do it THROUGH you if I have to!
Sonya just happens to be one of the world's most dangerous people. A hyper lethal assassin that has recently come across new ways to take care of her marks. There's no evidence against her if there's no body, right? So her latest and favorite way to dispose of those unwanted people is to swallow them whole! Through any orifice, it won't matter, as long as they're churned down and nothing recognizable remains of them!
Her favorite tools for the job are her two knives and a flute. Why a flute? Because it's a lethal distraction, that's why! Honestly, no one ever expects a flute blade or a poison flute dart.
Don't even think of messing with this girl in close combat, she's a wrestling professional even though she might not look it! Being a little kid and so strong also helps with throwing off a target's red flags... People expect an innocent kid even less than adults to do the horrible things she can do.
Also, she hates bugs and scary masks. Don't even approach her with either of those things on you. Bad things will happen.
She's sorta friends, I guess, with Yasuna and Agiri.