Meet Slurpie! You average fat anthro goodra!
This lovely dragon is over 13 feet tall. Weighs over 600 pounds and is easily over 25 years of age.
Yes she is a herm. Her goopy dragon cock can easily get a foot in length and as thick as a soda can. she has large external balls that can each hold one liter of goodra cum and her womb is fertile egnoth to produce 1000 eggs and hold several people!
Her body is made out of a mouldable goopy substance but she will only allow close friends or mates to sculpt her. she is a shapeshifter and has been known to prance around but she will keep her goodra head antena in any form.
She is also fully vore capable but is unable to digest rubbery substances and metals. She is also a rather neat eater and will swallow food and people whole to turn into more goopy fat! More fat more goodra to love!
She is mostly in a happy or calm mood and has a sweet and motherly personality. She wouldent hurt a fly! (Unless said fly has done really bad stuff) she WILL adopt any orphan she gets her paws on and tend to any isured she finds. All in all a lovable momma goodra! Exept when shes hungry then she only thinks about how her next meal will add to her body fat! ^~^
-Cannon stuff-
After some fun with a cute blue dragon now Slurpies mate
Davion she is now pregnant with 1000+ of his eggs!
Feral goodra!

((Occ notes))
For all of you out there i leave two things.
#1 i almost always do an ic aproatch. My apolagies.
#2 if i poof for no reason and your mad with me i apolagize. The main three reasons are iv ither fallen asleep. Been pulled away. or my internet has died. If i see you i will explain.