Stumbling through the woods, you would meet many things. Trees, bushes, bugs, birds, mammals, and the occasional snake, right? Well, meet the two newest additions to the cast of Nagas around these parts. Rebekah and Noelle. Twin nagas with very different personalities. They hail from deep into the darkest part of the world, a place where Nagas are safe and live in harmony. While growing up, they were the best of friends and never left each others side.
Oh, you haven't left screaming yet? Well then, perhaps you would actually like to meet these two lovely ladies. They want to meet you. <3

darkeva55 at 2012-03-09
Name: Rebekah Skye
Race: Naga
Length: roughly 45 feet from the top of her head to her tail.
Breast size: DD
Body make-up: Her tail can split open, allowing it to take in meals that way. Much like her tail, both of her breasts can open in the same way to take in prey to make sweet milk out of them.
Bio: Rebekah is the more, nasty, of the twins. While still nicer than most of her kind, she will not hesitate to gulp down any person she finds after a bit of a squeeze. She is also stronger than her sister, in all manners but one. She has no magical ability what-so-ever. She relies on stalking and hunting to get what she wants, be it a mate for the day or a nice meal to add to her body. She does have one innate magical ability, which her sister has dubbed 'soul trapping.' See, no matter how she gets a person into her body, once they are in and digested, their soul is trapped in her body and stored in her womb, just waiting to be reborn one day as one of her nagalings. Too this day, no one has been reborn this way.
Kinks: Tail and breast vore are her big two, as well as soul vore. Of course, you can go through her mouth into her waiting tummy as well, she just likes to use her tail and breasts more.

darkeva55 at 2012-03-09
Name: Noelle Skye
Race: Albino Naga
Length: A little over fifty feet head to tail.
Breast size: B
Body make-up: Now, here is where things get tricky. Noelle isn't a big bad pred like her sister. So, she has spelled her body to only digest things at her command. So, in other words, she ccan choose if she wants to digest something or not. Noelle is also extreamly mothering, and, for some unexplained reason is constantly producing milk from her breasts. She has two different kinds of milk. One that is highly nutritious and can de-age or age someone as they choose fit. The other is just normal milk, but is sweeter still. She can also hide and show her her pussy with a thought. When she gets excited though, it is always shown and gives off a pleasant aroma that is different for everyone who smells it.
Bio: Noelle is...different. She tries not to harm her fellow park mates, and if she does accidentally kill them, she can reform them with little problem, other than feeling bad about doing it. She is a mage naga, and as such, is very frail and almost always sickly. She does have her sister looking out for her though, should any pred try to dine on her. As stated before, Noelle is very much like a mother hen, constantly looking after hurt people, or offering them a nice drink from her breasts. She would even be willing to let cute girls slide up into her womb and become her little nagaling.
Kinks: Unbirth is her biggest one, with endo type OV another big kink of hers. She is also into age-play.
Reforming spell
Shrink spell(Can be used on self or others)
She has very powerful water and ice elemental spells.
She can also hypnotize people quite easily.
Family(Other than sisters):
Noelle has unbirthed
Kylie_ and now has the girl in an egg. She now eagerly awaits the birth of her first nagaling.
She has now also unbirthed
LillianTabitha has also been unbirthed into an egg now.
((Belongs to
((That's all for now))
When playing both, text will be green
When playing Rebekah, text will be purple
When playing as Noelle, text will be light blue.
I will not be putting up the sliders. Just ask me about anything you want to do. Most things I tend to like, just ask first. ^^
Say 'ahhh' - First tail vore Victim. 5gp
Hunter - Sniffed out a micro. 5gp
Look into my eyes - Used mind-control successfully. 5gp
Join me - First unbirth victim. 5gp
Make me a Mama - First person transformed in womb. 5gp