Hm? Who am I? Oh, no one special, just another wanderer.
Wanderers, of course, are a dime a dozen in any world. They can be found everywhere, doing just about anything. It's not like there's anything odd about them, in most cases, but.... well, not all wanderers are like Sithi.
Mind, she's fairly typical for a wanderer in most ways. She's not from around here(obviously), she stands out(again), and she's friendly enough(also normal). She likes kids, clearly, taking the time to share out little sweets if she's passing through, or to tell stories if she's staying the night. She's helpful enough, lingering at times to lend a hand with things that she sees needs done. But.... well, while most wanderers are Not From Around Here simply by their actions, it's a bit more obvious with her. After all, most people don't have purple skin, or blue hair, or that thick, spade-tipped tail she sports! Some, though, MAY have eyes like hers, or those pointy ears, or even slight fangs. Some of them might also be as tall at her, but she IS only 6'4, which is short for her race.
That's probably why she's wearing the typical Wanderer's Cloak and hood, really. It's probably why she wears gloves, too. Indeed, under all of her clothing, it's almost impossible to see how odd she truly is, at a glance. However, even if discovered, she stays friendly, and does her best not to... well, for instance, come across as a demon, or something similar. After all, not all worlds are friendly to such things, and being mobbed, burned at the stake, or just plain stabbed, is low on her priorities list. She's been run out of town a time or two before, and really, it's all part of the lifestyle. She's okay with it, really!
But, you may be asking, why is she so odd? Well, to start with, she's not human, as was implied earlier. She is, in fact, a Valanir, a race from another world. Similar to humanity in most ways, they are blessed with a few things humans lack. Their eyes are better at night, they have more stamina and strength, and they have those tails, which serve any number of purposes, being strong and prehensile. They come from a world that has ample forests and a fair number of mountains, and they never really caught on to using wood for fuel, probably because they live in trees(most of them do, anyway). They've found other ways to cook their meals, and as a result their society is rather different from ours.
The thing is, though, that not everyone fits in, in their society. There's always some oddballs, who either leave on their own or, in some cases, are shoved out by everyone else. They've never quite made sense to the rest of them, or they have these disturbing tendencies, or, well, they've just always been a bit... off. Sithi, though, is simply possessed of a wanderlust that most lack. Where most Valanir are content to stay home, she wants to go out, and see EVERYTHING. She knows that she may not be let back in, whenever she returns home, but frankly, she enjoys her wanderings enough that this doesn't bother her in the least.
And so, here she is, not fitting in. Standing at 6'4", she's a bit imposing in her stature, and with her bright green, slit-pupiled eyes, her purple skin, her medium-length blue hair, and her fangy grin, she's been politely described, by many, as unsettling. However, there's no denying that there are some things going for her. While some aspects may be unsettling(that TAIL, for one), her figure is shapely enough that no one really complains at ALL(save, perhaps, for wives who catch their husbands staring... or husbands whose wives have caught them staring). Amply endowed with a curvaceous, D-cup chest, a nicely rounded rear above which her thick, spade-tipped tail emerges, moderately wide hips, and a trim, toned belly, she'd definitely turn heads in a hurry if she was in the habit of dressing less completely than she does. As is, though, people still tend to eye her a bit.
Typically, she's clad for the road. As a wanderer, and one not possessed of transport, she's always got comfy clothes on, especially comfy shoes. She favors sneakers or hiking boots these days, along with a pair of comfortably loose blue-jeans, and a simple, fitted shirt from her homeworld. Most of this, of course, is hidden by her thick, brown cloak, but because not all of it is, she tends to wear a pair of fitted leather gloves, as well, so she can show her hands and not have people panic. Often, though, this look is less than perfect, as every swish of her tail reveals it a bit, which has led to some panicking in the past. She doesn't really mind though. After all, she's out wandering, and there's no place she'd rather be.
Alt by The Tower. Profile might be a bit rough, but it was written while migrained. PM if interested!