by Perior_Serpa!
Name: Tamao "Umbry" Eievui
Species: Umbreon-morph
Type: Dark
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 210 lb
Personality: WIP
Preferences: I am genuinely open to most things, with the only noted specific that, if something is getting eaten, I expect them to be digested fatally. I'm not especially into non-fatal scenes.
Encounters of Note: None, yet.
How it Happened!
Sister_Umbry: Tamao was leaning against a tree in the public park, well away from the main crowds. The fireworks were going off in the distance as the evening festivities picked up for the Lunar New Year. She wasn't going, as she smirked mildly and just enjoyed the darkness. One hand slipped into her short shorts while the umbreon girl lightly rubbed against her snatch, eyes half-lidded. There was more than one way to celebrate the year of the snake coming to fruition. Pity her sister Konoe wasn't here to celebrate with her, but it was her own damned fault what had happened. "Ngh..." she murmured to herself softly, eyes rolling back a little.
Perior_Serpa: Perior_Serpa grumbles to himself, the fireworks while a pretty sight the noise kept him up this late in the evening, and with it being rather cold he would rather sleep and maybe hibernate a little longer. He began to hum thinking that maybe a nice new year snack would help his mood when he hears a noise as he blinks his eyes and moves his head down through the branches and leaves to the ground and spots Tamao leaning against his tree. His eyes almost gleamed brightly at the beauty before him. Oh what good fortune! His year indeed! He grins but knew he had to be careful, he wasn't sure if this one would let him have his fun or not...better to play it safe~ He moved carefully his head moving to make sure Tamao would see him as his eyes began forming those hypnotic spiral rings of colours~ "Well now, happy new year my dear, what brings you this far from the festivities~" He chuckles to see how she reacts both to his voice and those alluring eyes~
Sister_Umbry: She was caught unaware by the motion, a particularly large burst of fireworks having concealed the sounds around her of branches rustling and her eyes having been rolled back as digits had started to slip into her pussy. She was letting out a little groan when her eyes widened in surprise at his voice. A talking snake? For one split second their gaze hadn't quite met and she smirked a little. "Aren't you just a little on the nose for a" It was at that point that the gazes had locked and her voice took on a slightly slurred quality. She relaxed a little, though her fingers were still working. Leaning forward, the pokegirl licked her lips again, her voice husky as she started to feel him taking over. She should resist, but she didn't want to. "New... years... why not?" she said to herself, and then the resistance started to melt while her eyes turned a spiraling shade to match his. "I'm here... to celebrate the New Years. Do you have any ideas how I should?" Her one free hand gripped a small revive crystal in its digits, as the tiny bit of self preservation she had was still there. Of course, she didn't have the wherewithall to eat it just yet, and it would be so easy for her to be convinced to drop it.
Perior_Serpa: "Hmm well my dear, this is a new year~ The change in the Lunar as well as the year of the Snake~" He hisses softly watching her eyes becoming engulfed in his colours~ He could see this one wasn't resisting much licking his lips as he noticed the crystal in her hand. His tail moves in and slowly slides across her shoulders moving into that skimpy top and coils one of her breasts to give it a squeeze the scales rubbing the skin to stimulate~ "Well how about to celebrate this year~ Submitting yourself to a snakes desires sounds right don't you agree~" He chuckles as the tail moves down and slips under her shorts and she feels the scales rubbing her pussy and clit~ "So why not take those clothes off and drop whatever your holding my dear~ You won't need it for the new year~" He chuckles.
Sister_Umbry: Tamao shuddered at his command and the hand that had been pleasuring herself slipped to the side, helping to spread one of the lips of her pussy while she felt his tail work underneath her skimpy little top. That didn't even require her to pull it off. The tail coiling over her breast was enough to send it with a single snap to the ground as her hand unclenched and the revive toppled to the ground. Her eyes widened a little and she grinned in a silly way. "You're right. Won't... need revive... in new year." A swallow and her foot shifted over, heel touching down on top of the crystal. She didn't need it. She didn't need it. The heel pressed down and it cracked, crushing there. "Won't need it ever, will I?" Since, if she didn't have it... But that thought was far from her while she took her shorts and panties, pulling them off and spread her legs for him to toy with as he saw fit. Her shoes were kicked off and she was removing bracelets and earrings more slowly, taking her time while she breathed in a gradually more heated fashion, the rubs over her sex getting her more riled by the second. "A new year... a new sacrifice. Sounds right. Use me."
Perior_Serpa: Perior_Serpa chuckles softly. "That's a good offering~" He chuckles softly. "But don't worry I'll make sure to reward you for your amazing service, with a nice long pleasuring time for you~" He chuckles moving his tail so a slightly thicker part moves between her legs grinding her folds making sure to rub the juices she was releasing all over her pussy and even her rear before she feels it, poking free were a twin snake cocks both poking her holes and attempting to enter both at the same time his coils wrapping around her belly, her arms, chest and shoulders to coil up letting her legs dangle from the coil resting between her thighs~ He grins thrusting into her while lifting her off her feet...up into the treetops and to a bit of privacy~ "Hmm such an eager toy~ Go on show me your devotion to your role as the new year sacrifice~" He hisses.
Sister_Umbry: She was already aroused. Penetrating the umbreon girl wasn't difficult. Only her backdoor gave even the slightest hint of resistance. Whether or not he realized it, snakes had been in her mind when she'd been pleasuring herself. Why shouldn't they have been? It was the occasion of the year. She just hadn't expected one to actually show up. As he thrust upwards and into her, lifting her up and out of sight, where nobody who came around would see her getting fucked by a serpent, she reached down, taking hold of the base of his cock as he pounded her, squeezing it as her body arched and she leaned back and resting in the coils that were currently working their way around her arms and chest, causing her breasts to be framed beautifully. She panted and opened her mouth, tongue lolling out while he claimed her, bringing her kiss up to his lips as best as she could, her breath hot and heavy. "Yes... use me... fuck me...," she breathed out. "New year... the snake should be full to start, yes? Coil me. Devour me body and soul."
Perior_Serpa: "Hmm I shall~ But first let me sate you as my thank for your service as my new year meal~" He chuckles his cocks thrusting into her twin holes as the coils wrapped more around her pinning her arms to her sides as the tail tip coils around her throat squeezing tightly and constricting as she breaths working her over while the cocks throb inside trying to bring this toy to orgasm and let her enjoy her final night with bliss~ "Now before you go down~ Let me see the last of that pretty mind go~" He whispers as the coil around her throat squeezes as he watches her cheeks get a little red waiting for that delightful PING of her mind fully broken~ Licking his lips as he knew the breaking of their mind came with orgasmic bliss~ His cocks would thrust in and flood her womb and rear with cum~
Sister_Umbry: She let out a scream of orgasmic pleasure. It was not hard to get her off, but when her face was held in the grip and her throat was locked over, the brief and partial lack of oxygen and the tight, almost painful sensation of the walls closing in around her, scales gripping her body sent her over the edge. She bucked, grinding into him. If he'd let her leave, who knows if there might be some eggs in her future, but that wasn't going to be happening and she knew it. Her face went red and her eyes went back very slightly while the pupils expanded until there was almost no iris at all. She bucked and humped, pussy milking the cock, dragging every drop out of the oozing thing while her lips hung open and she let out the last words she'd probably ever utter. "Gut...slut... not... need... mind... END ME!" The eyes that were staring back at him were doing so with a stupid sheen to them as she utterly submitted herself, back arching into his grip, just watching, waiting for those jaws to open. It was all she wanted now.
Perior_Serpa: Perior_Serpa chuckles his eyes stopping the colours as he smirks. "As you wish and Happy Final Year~" He hisses opening his maw wide letting her see that fleshy drool soaked tunnel to her end~ It engulfs her head his jaws easily taking her head in her ears guided inside as well as he gulps and swallows his coils opening just enough for his head to slip in as he swallows and gulps. Jaws gripping her shoulders and biceps working them down into the gullet as her breasts feels his tongue licking them as his lovely prize is tasted for the last time~ His jaws sucking and squeezing on her figure while guiding her down~
Sister_Umbry: It hurt a little, because of course it did. His jaw muscles and tight confines were literally starting to crush her even as she offered no resistance to his coils, almost like she was completely subdued and unconscious already. Still, while her breasts were tasted for the luscious taste of living flesh along with the salty tang of sexual sweat, she was continuing to climax, not coming down. Her pussy clenched and pulsed as he gulped, and she let out an animal, guttural moan that sounded very much like he mating cry of an Eevee even as she was being pushed through the tight confines towards her ultimate doom, her whole body squirming inside of him to feel the sensations while he got ready to digest her... to finish her off. She wouldn't see more than the start of the Year of the Snake at this rate.
Perior_Serpa: Perior_Serpa chuckles as he was fine taking his time as his cocks keep thrusting and fucking into her pussy and rear as she was going through the mating needs~ His cocks working and milking her for a few more orgasms while pumping a second helping of his cum into her womb. A shame he chose to end her she might've made a good mate for the year~ But she was too delicious for that~ His cocks finally pull out of her pussy and ass as his jaws moves to cup her ass and hips and she feels already half of her body was inside him he having guided one of her hands to her pussy she can at least masturbate to her ending~
Sister_Umbry: She was oh so willing to take over for his cocks. Her fingers knew nothing other than getting herself off as she dripped snake spunk and slipped down the gullet of one to last swan song. She was no more a survivor than her sister had been and very soon she was going to end up the refuse of the start of the year, just more padding to add to the gigantic snake's body. She slid down easily, every last undulation working her deeper into him while her legs dangled lazily, not hooking or making it at all difficult. She moaned, even as she could feel the first hints of bite, the acrid scent. She'd probably succumb to suffocation before he digested her, but that light-headed, stupid death was all too fitting for her. While she slid in further, her tail gave one last wag even as her thighs started to slip out of sight, the taste of sex on the serpent's mouth.
Perior_Serpa: Perior_Serpa chuckles as his jaws slurp and suckle on her thighs. Her tail wriggling down to join her cute hips and rear as a lovely bulge that it and her head and breasts provide as a brief reminder until she breaks down into nutrients~ He takes a deep gulp and breath almost giving Umbry one last gasp of oxygen to stay a little bit awake longer as he gulps and swallows~ His jaws easily working those legs down licking them and tasting her sweat on the way down~ Before his jaws finally closed around her feet....and with one last gulp~ She was sliding in fully. "Ah~ Delicious my dear~" He hisses in bliss his eyes looking at the fireworks going off with a grin.