
An alt of Kitties_Delight

A Bit Of Background

The Egg

Subject 7A-56-A "The Egg" is an egg of the species 'velociraptor'believed to have been laid approximately 80 million years ago. Originally found in an artic digsite laying in a raptor nest that was frozen in time to unknown events, the egg was thought to be completely dead, used as nothing more than a paper weight on a desk before Subject 7A-47's first containment incident, which some how revitalized the egg, allowing Subject 7A-47, to kill Dr. Diosite as her first moment in life.

The Gal

Subject 7A-56-B "Siniphae Diosite" is a raptor human anthro, sporting mostly dark grey colored scales and feathers along her tail and some spots on her legs, she is much more intelligent than most guards and scientist give her, almost always finding a way to trick some unlucky woman into her room before unbirthing them, she sleeps on tattered peices of clothing and furniture as a makeshift nest where most hope she will soon give birth to the 5 babies she currently has in her womb, all 5 being previous scientitst and guards who mistakenly thought she was docile enough to pet.

Misc Info

  • Allias: 'Siniphae Diosite' 'Sini' or '56 B'
  • Age: 21
  • Gender: Female Herm ⚥Female Herm ⚥
  • Height: 5'3"
  • Weight: 55.3383 kg
  • Cock length: 9 inches
  • Hips: she bit the last guy that tried measureing
  • Breasts: seriously stop fucking measuring her
  • Siblings: No other intact eggs were found along side her's

Read Site 7A Research


Subject 7A-56-B Has a wide range of education, showing knowledge of basic math and reading english, despite not being taught it by any guards, aswell as a fascinating skill to learn new languages in a matter of seconds, though it seems to be an odd way, learning how to write a language from hearing someone speak it, and learning to speak it from seeing someone write it. She has also shown a surprising amount of knowledge on physics, occasionally writing nuclear equations on the walls with markers that she steals off of her 'meals' .

Because of Subject 7A-56-B's good behavior most of the time and heightened education, she is used on very limited hours as Site 7A's front desk secretary, though mostly only there when high ranking officials are scheduled to come through for the day.


Subject 7A-56-B Has extremely sharp retractable claws in her fingers, combined with her immense strength she is able to rip through steel doors when ever she smells her daily delivery of food coming to her. Aswell as sporting a surprising ability of glowing in the dark, though these mostly come from the green parts of her scales and feathers, believed to hav been cause by radiation from Subject 7A-47. Lastly she sports an unbelievable amount of running speed, despite having such a large pregnant belly she is able to reach speeds of 60 miles per hour or more and able to slam into 'meals' with the force of 200 pounds when chasing someone We will miss you Steve .


While Subject 7A-56-B mostly presents good behaviour at the site, she has been shown to use surprising amounts of deception to get what she wants, as mentioned previously of flirting the female gaurds and scientists into her room late at night for unbirthing, or convincing a guard she was never given a birthday cake on her brithday seriously guys she did this three times in one day stop trading kisses for cake. However her most notable actions are her different screeches, using some for excitement, hunting, and even when trying to protect her makeshit nest, despite knowing english she sometimes resorts to these screeches.

Siniphae's Harem | Siniphae's Womb (Perma List) | Siniphae's Fat (alt Perma)
  • None atm, someone feed her a milf already!~
  • No extra eggs for now~
  • you can expand this list by adding to it!~

Scene 1 | Scene 2 | Scene 3
Siniphae has broken from her containment, darting around the streets of the nexus looking for every hottie and busty milf she can get her hands on to devour!~
Siniphae is having yet another interview with another scientist, and once again her strength is underestimated as she breaks from her bonds to get her hands on teh scientist
Siniphae has broken out of containment again, though this time she's at the local bakery offering just about everyone a kiss to buy her junk food!~

Extra Images
  • hard to get art when she rips all the canvases to shreads!!!
    Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

    As Pred

    Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
    Never/Dislike so for being rude on some of these, people just can't read preferences
    Soft Vore Always/Love
    Digestion Always/Love
    Fatality Always/Love
    Reforming Always/Love
    Endo Always/Love
    Oral Vore Always/Love
    Unbirthing Always/Love
    Cock Vore Always/Love
    Anal Vore Always/Love
    Tail Vore Always/Love
    Never/Dislike may lead to her womb ;3
    Soul Vore Always/Love
    Sex Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Yes
    Scat Always/Love
    Never/Dislike No
    Disposal Always/Love
    Never/Dislike Thank
    Watersports Always/Love
    Never/Dislike You
    Bondage Always/Love
    Magic Always/Love
    Willing Always/Love
    Unwilling Always/Love
    Micro/Macro Always/Love
    Male Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if i could set this lower then i fucking would, ignore that this is on the lowest it can be and get ignored !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Female Partner Always/Love
    Herm Partner Always/Love
    Human Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike this
    Demi Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike does
    Fur Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike not
    Scaly Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike mean
    Feathered Partner Always/Love
    Never/Dislike male
    Plants Always/Love
    Never/Dislike prey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Underage Character Always/Love
    Never/Dislike fuck off
    Verbose Posts Always/Love
    Quick Posts Always/Love
    Breaking 4th Wall Always/Love
    Multi-Session Always/Love
    Never/Dislike adored but not required
    Impregnation Always/Love
    Pregnancy Always/Love
    Playing with other Preds Always/Love
    Never/Dislike scene dependent, im also probably gonna be difficult about it
    Tight Guts/Mogabulges Always/Love
    Skeletal imprints Always/Love
    Real life pictures Always/Love
    Never/Dislike this is an instant ignore and a block
    Multiple Prey Always/Love
    Hyper pregnancy Always/Love
    Lactation/Breastfeeding Always/Love
    Never/Dislike thats what their there for!
    Being Dominant Always/Love
    Being Submissive Always/Love
    Cumflation Always/Love