
Hai, I'm Sienna! I assume you're here to feed me? No? You wanna know more about me? Huff.... fine! As you can see, I'm a red panda, and yeah I know my kind are rare and endangered and stuff, but that only means good things for me! I get lots of attention, and get fawned over by others! Plus, I can do whatever I want, and my charm means you can't stay mad at me for long~ I'm often called bratty tho, whatever that means, and childish.
My belly? Oh, that's my baby girl! I'm quite heavily pregnant, but I'm not due anytime soon! It's a permanent pregnancy after all~ I need plenty of nutrients too, so my diet often consists of sweets and people! I churn it all down, use the nutrients to pad me out and feed my baby, before squeezing it all out the other end~ If you're lucky though (and cute enough), I'll let you join my girl as her twin in my tummy, if you ask nicely~ I love having a big tummy!
So what will it be? Are you gonna be my next meal or my next baby? I don't got all day!

Name: Sienna
Height: 147cm
Weight: 58kg
Species: Red Panda
Likes: Sweets, cinnamon flavoured stuff (like her breastmilk!), big bellies, belly rubs
Dislikes: Tummyaches, people unaffected by her cuteness, being held by the tail

Part of V_Alts (which is now a part of RosiePlayer's characters!)

(( Can be played without the pregnant tum! ))
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Pred

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Never/Dislike Check player profile for more detailed sliders!
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Tail Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Pregnancy Always/Love
Umbilical Cords Always/Love
Unbirth Regression Always/Love
Amniotic Fluids Always/Love
Noisy Stomachs Always/Love
Breeding Always/Love