
"Who's there?"
Shyama, or just Shy as he likes to be called now was born to large family as usually, his father was smart enough to woo his mother quite a bit, essentially hypnotizing her during their courtship, allowing him to escape with his life after impregnating her. She gave birth to around thirty eggs or so...she tended to them, weaving them into her own web, once the spiderlings hatched they struck out on their own, Shy doesn't really even know his siblings, he has grown into what one would consider a teenager. He's a bit wary of other races, there is a stigma attached to Spiders after all! And most people don't take kindly to him skittering about, they scream, or point and throw things, so he decided to just stick to the shadows...quite the recluse now.
Personality And Description
Shy lives up to his little nickname, he prefers to stay unknown and hidden, he occasionally strikes at the living for food, but he only does it to undesirables, people that no one misses, or even notices when they vanish, what he does to them he tries to keep a secret to prevent even further stigma. He has a web, but he really only uses it for rest and relaxation. Occasionally something wanders into it, but he'll often time release them screaming along. He is poisonous, his little fangs secreting a potent venom that he can control to an extent, from simple paralysis to a powerful necrotic toxin. Shy doesn't care much for the humans and such, despite his tendency to rescue those in danger before sneaking back off into the shadows, he attributes this to a need for food and an opportunity presenting itself. He is a bit cold outwardly, but not violently so. Shy himself isn't too bad too look at, he has the fur of a jumping spider, dark blue with white fluffs at his joints. His hair is purple and short, hanging above his bright red eyes. Luckily those seem to be the only eyes he has, he doesn't have the eight that normal spiders have.
Shy isn't too different than a human in terms of ability, obviously physically he is very different. He can and does spin webs, but he doesn't use them for capturing prey very often, usually only using it as a home for rest and relaxation, though a few times he's rescued humans from horrid fates and cocooned them in his web for their safety and his, allowing them to rest without freaking out and moving too much. The silken threads are as powerful as Nylon but much more elastic. He has a venomous bite as well, usually using this to subdue violent prey, or to ease the pain of a wounded charge, via paralysis. He's also got quite a bit in common with jumping spiders, those legs of his have more power than it would appear, given a moment to tense and crouch he can leap incredible distances, sometimes using this method to land on potential victims, knocking them out cold!

One of the Yuri_Alts