Various residents are located within this shrine, and more are on their way.
Those characters played by me:
Nomari_Kitsune : The Goddess of this shrine that has been aptly named after her. She's very lazy and lounges about mostly neglecting her daily chores while her Shrine Maidens take care of the majority of the work. Instead she opts to splatter, well, basically any lovely thing that she can get her cock around with anyone from her Shrine Maidens to esteemed guests all being fair game.
Player_Nomari : Somehow, some way the player behind it all has found her way into the Shrine as well, taking up residence therein. She gets a little nervous around the insatiably desirous Kitsune, but nothing bad could possibly happen, right?
Rachel_Shaw : A roving centauress arrived at the temple one day. Her and the Kitsune got into a big fight but for some reason Nomari let her stay. Many big dick swinging competitions will certainly ensue. . .
((WIP: Succubus herm, naturally))
((WIP: Not sure, might be a bird, might be a dog, might be a naga/ lamia. Some interesting trivia here, the main difference between a naga and a lamia is that a naga is cold blooded while a lamia is warm blooded. Otherwise anatomically they're still both functionally the same.))
Various "features" within the shrine include:
A rather large cumstain located within the Kitsune's room that was once Demoness_Hayley.
A human skeleton that was formerly Thick_Sudoka, used as a Halloween decoration.
A second skeleton that was formerly Miley_Mouse, used as a Halloween decoration.
Those characters not played by me:
Kasumi_Yoshizawa : Nomari had encountered this gorgeous woman and was immediately enthralled, and while she was going to churn the girl up on the spot the girl countered with a wager. She won and is still alive for now and became a devoted servant to the Shrine until that fated day when she takes that final plunge.
Akatsuki_Nagato : The newest and very eager Shrine Maiden to join the folds of the Shrine, she's very much looking forward to serving Nomari to the fullest of her capabilities.
Lyra_Souleater : This fellow Kitsune became more like a pet for Nomari, and she'll be put to good use until her very end.
Louna_Shira : A curious wolfess approached the Shrine one day seeking a position, and it was decided that her "job" in this place would be as Nomari's tail pet. What that entails we're still not sure, but she definitely seems happy to be surrounded by all that fluffiness.
TheIntern : Nomari was in desperate need of someone that was capable of keeping the books after her previous one had left under not so mysterious circumstances, so she did what one of her Shrine Maidens suggested: found an Intern! The Shrine is notorious for having a high turnover rate, but it's anyone's guess what will happen to the lovely young woman now that she's been taken under Nomari's wing. And by wing we mean tails of course.
The waterfalls in Nomari's territory which leads to her private hot springs