There's hundreds, thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands of interesting, gorgeous people out there, in college and out. Hundreds of thousands of people who're fascinating, beautiful, and desirable.
And.... then there's everyone else.
Neither a stunning example of masculine attractiveness, nor a hideously disfigured example of humanity, Shane is quite firmly in the middle ground. A somewhat slender, quiet, awkward fellow from Ireland, he's a scholar, of sorts, studying, oh, this and that. He enjoys nothing better than being left alone with a good book, or being left to his studies. He enjoys music, long walks in the library, and has, on occasion, been found in a fort constructed of research materials, curled up asleep.
... in short? he's a nerd. A 24 year-old, redheaded, bespectacled, freckled nerd, he stands a mere five feet four inches tall, with pale skin from so much time indoors. He's a history nerd, a gaming nerd, and a truly voracious reader. So much so, in fact, that one might accuse him of carelessness, as he's forgotten to eat for days at a time(Which may, perhaps, contribute to his stick-thin figure). However... well, there's other things to him. Everyone's got secrets, after all.
Such as, for example, the fact that he's a mage. A peculiar sort of mage, to be sure, but an interesting one as well. His particular talent is for books, and, unlike many mages, he can cast on the fly from any spellbook, without ever even opening it! He can ALSO enter books, and observe stories in greater detail, allowing him a measure of understanding denied to most, when it comes to historical texts, among other things. As well, with a translation dictionary, he can become semi-fluent in any language, so long as it's in his possession. A useful talent, to be sure, but he says there's just something about doing things the 'normal' way...
Anyways. Shane, here, is available in a wide range of settings, and therefor in a wide range of attires. Regardless of these, the basics of appearance and demeanor, and some abilities, remain the same. Ask me if you have any questions!