Created 10/30/2017 3:43 PM chat time.
Idea/scenario profile.
When predators and prey live in the same area together in peace, the power imbalance naturally lifts predators to the top of society - if any particular person gets to be too meddlesome, they can just be eaten, right? But simply eating every prey who gets too uppity can cause problems, so the Shaming Police were created. Quite simply, they are public officers that are tasked with keeping the prey population meek and compliant through the use of public shaming - forced exhibitionism, the recording and publicizing of compromising images and materials, designing and implementing policies that make sure every prey species citizen knows exactly where they are - on the menu.
Splitting this up into three sections - criminals, dissidents and citizens.
Criminals are those who break the laws of the society, and need to be punished. In this case, the police are empowered to adjudicate non-permanent violations of not more than two weeks on their own authority, meaning that unless the punishment would last more than two weeks (lifetime slavery, etc.) or is permanent (branding, body-altering, or complete termination) the officer does not need to check with anyone before implementing it; above that and it may need to get higher-up authority, either a call-in or in the worst cases a hearing.
Dissidents are those try to disrupt the "natural order" with espousing their political views, protests, strikes and other ways of trying to advocate for equality between preds and preys (as if!) While these things may or may not be technically illegal, the distinction is that it isn't someone robbing a store or vandalizing public property - it's stuff being done with a subversive societal goal, and this is even worse. Officers dealing with these types have more latitude, and more severe punishments are allowed to be applied without higher authorization and in general. Long-term enslavement is not an uncommon punishment, and while such things may spark more controversy and resistance among the bravest, among the average citizens seeing someone you were discussing pro-prey politics with get fitted with a nudity collar and have to spend the rest of their life exposed to everyone may get you to keep your radical beliefs about the right to not get eaten to yourself.
Citizens are those who do not fall into the first two categories, but need a metaphorical boot on their neck to keep them in their place. The measures for this group tends to be less severe, more institutionalized, and may come off as completely impersonal and routine. Forced nudity, exhibitionism, and micro-aggressions are common, and unless the subject protests or resists, these things are not entered into their permanent records as violations (though they may for other reasons) and are not considered to be "punishments". An example of this would be predators having to take off shoes and a belt before passing through airport security, preys having to strip completely naked for the entire process.
Specific examples/ideas, these can be for background fluff or the basis of any RPs done:
Having to pose for a set of fully-nude mugshot-style photos for entry into your permanent record: these may be available only to officials or to the general public; they may be difficult to get, or you may be able to pull them up using your phone and mandatory RFID tags to be able to check out any random person you see on the street. The point is, the subject's body is not truly theirs. Ask for a related profile link.
Mandatory "prey classes" that children have to take in elementary and middle school, as well as being "available" for any predatory teachers they may have.