The Frenni's Nightclub animatronic wraith found herself in the Nexus following her rage but found tasty meals .... Don't let her get in your head and catch you, cause you'll be in danger if this bear catches you! Tinies will be stepped on, children in the womb, and everyone else gets fucked and gulped anywhere.
Player prefers one roleplay at a time so if I say I'm in a scene or ignore you don't spam me. Any Encounter that results in being churned wait till the next day for a new encounter! I don't approve of IC approuches unless we had a prior discussion about a scene.
Height: 8 foot 6 inches
Alt: F_F_Nightclub
Warning don't shine a light in her eyes or call her Shad Fazboobs! Or you'll find yourself in her stomach digesting painfully.