
Nora Eva
This Witch has a heavy belief in fate, fortune telling, and karma. She is always willing to see people and read their palms, or
cast light over the roads ahead. Often times the quickest way to earn good karma is tipping your lovely fortune teller~. She likes to pretend that's so but fate is fate regardless. Still, it's a great way to earn her favor. She isn't one to take part in
combat despite being extremely capable at it. Her Tarot card magic is incredibly efficient, the effects are luck of the draw,
but all of them are incredibly potent. She knows what fate has in store for her so she's never anything but confident in combat.
Those who stand against her find a level headed and calculating foe.

Jack Jack
A friendly and playful witch that loves to gamble on meaningless things. She's normally a whimsical and playful witch unlike many of her sisters. She just loves to play games and performs interesting tricks. Though her demeanor changes when things become serious. she can be very competitive. She's not afraid to play dirty or even cheat to get her way. Those that
fall to her are often times used in her acts or added to her magical card deck. Various effects and things she can do with your
soul stored in her unique collection~. Just make sure she isn't pulling out her own private cards to play and you'll be fine.
If she ever asks to make things more interesting just start running!

Sarah Bonsweet
A witch that just looooves candy. There is no bigger fan of Halloween and sweets than herself. The only thing she likes as much
as candy is kids! She loves sweet things and isn't afraid to be the creeper type to lure kids into her domain~. She saves the
generic basic sweets to lure her the squirmy youthful sweets into her candy bowl~. The good stuff she saves for her self! She has
candy that can do lots of buffs and tons of special abilities. All her magic is candy based in some way. She loves turning her
foes into candies or tieing them up in taffy ropes~. Those that stand against her are just her next sugar rush~!

Sinclair Ashencroft
Sinclair has a tragic backstory, a witch who became too curious for her own good. She learned the difficult and forbidden ways
of freeing a person's true form from their mortal coil. Every soul has an Identity, it's a part of who we are. A reflection of
our inner self. Some people are bright and shining gems, their ambitions and dreams shining bright in their inner essence. Some
are carefree adorable animals, who only wish to frolic and play. Some are merely just food, existing only to stoke the fires
of those with brighter futures. Another small group is just relentless violent beasts who want not but to destroy, Clair tries
to avoid those ones~! She's curious much like a cat though, far too much for her own good. She even released some of her own
family just to see what her own might be closer to. Despite that egregious sin, her family did not kill her, instead banishing
her away to a different universe and disowning her from the family name. Clair still uses the name and hopes to one day amass her power and return home. She still loves her family and still wants to know more about herself and their precious
"true identities". The mad witch will never sate her curiosities.

Elise Mastercraft
The Fabric Witch, Witch of the cloth, The Ribbon Meister, Elise Mastercraft. Elise is a witch who loves infamy and fame altogether. She is always trying to do things as flashy as possible to garner interest and respect for her magic~. Her magic is
based on the use of cloths, fabrics, invisible threads, needles, yarn. If it has to do with clothing and fashion then she can
probably use her magical prowess to manipulate it. She's even able to use her powers to manipulate clothes on her foes. Foes who
know of her potential are wise to strip out of their clothes before she uses them against themselves. Another thing to note is
what clothes she is wearing! Her combat style and abilities can vary greatly based on the outfit she's wearing. She can
use her magic to change on the fly so keep an eye out for what she's got on! She's near powerless without clothes to use. She's
never willingly naked. She does everything in her clothes, even sex, and showering! The only true time she's completely helpless
is laundry day~. Even a powerful witch can't afford to waste quarters and mana not washing everything!

Valentinessa Anette Kaisenhammer XIII
Valentinessa is yet another outsider to this realm. Having slain the chosen hero of her realm and laying claim to his legendary weapon. Being the powerful and unstoppable tyrant of her world grew boring. Bringing only her name, the Righteous blade, and
the power within her body, she headed off into a new world to spread her legend.
The blade the hero used was specially made, created not to harm anyone but instead to seal them into
harmless and docile forms. Having devoured the hero, she used the experience and mana gained to corrupt and alter his weapon into a powerful and merciless battle ax. Now instead of sealing foes slain by it into docile and weak forms, it seals them
into corrupted/enslaved forms of their former selves. Rejecting their inhibitions and their good side and throwing themselves
over to Valentine. She can even alter the weapon's state back to its sword form, in which it seals her foes into her basest inner desires. She's turned her opponents into food, sex toys, children, chained up servants, even clothing much to Elise's dismay
("That clothing is gaudy and lacks inspiration! Lay off my turf demon witch!")
Overall she's relentless and seeks to conquer this whole world and turn everyone who lives here into servants, thralls, or baser
commodities for her to enjoy. Her legend precedes her and her aura is intimidating to be said lightly. She is known as
Valentinessa, The demon witch, The Hero Slayer, and the Witch Queen.

Name Unknown.
A witch that is rarely seen and even much less interacted with. One might spot her floating in the night sky admiring a battle or cloaked in high level invisiblity magic admiring squabbles and petty combat with amusement. Some like to imagine her a figment
of their own imagination. Even sensing a small portion of her power fills the bravest of witches with dread. The rumor has it
she is the creator of this realm, a sort of "Goddess Witch". It would explain why so many powerful witches were drawn or born
into this world. Nora Eva is the only one that knows her true nature and intentions, but she doesn't divulge that kind of information without greased palms. One thing is for certain, no one should cross her or get in the way of what she wants.
The basic setting is a fantasy like world where all sorts of races exist on one continent. The Seven deadly witches reign supreme
over the land and their territorial and personal disputes wreak havoc upon the land and its people. Most try to avoid the witches entirely, while others seek to join them in hopes of protection. Even entire towns have pledged allegiance to certain
witches, all in an effort to create treaties and peace with them. Though a friend of an enemy is also my enemy is something that
many of these girls believe. There will be no true peace until most of the witches are dead.
No ideas for now. Mostly made this for a friend. Is a quickie alt that I might make real character alts out of. Will try to see
who stands out the most, is most fun to play, and most popular.