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It is pretty easy to tell that Setsurin is an elf, but she does not seem to be quite like some, if not most, of the others. For one...
Her personality. It doesn't seem to matter who the person is. She will approach them with the happiest demeanor a person could have. She loves to make friends and does her best to get along with others.
But she also doesn't seem to know about many of the current customs.
For one, of which most will notice first, she doesn't wear any clothing. It also seems like she doesn't seem to either notice or care at all. In fact, she seems rather confused when she finds someone wearing a strange fabric over their being to 'cover' it.
She doesn't seem to be afraid to touch others either, especially if they look nice.
Having discovered the park area quite some time ago, she does like to stay closer to some kind of forest, or even just some place with a lot of trees. Taking time to observe the people, animals and other beings that resided in the area, Setsurin quickly learned how things were.
Consuming others was a form of both feeding and pleasure.
Lucky for her, she had found long ago that her body was not too... Normal.
Not only can she eat others, she can let others eat her, and she would be perfectly fine! How this works, she isn't very sure. But it has made her enjoy the area more.
If she is good friends with the person she met, she will willingly offer herself to them, being more than happy to do so. Not only does it make her happy to please her friends, she has come to love the feeling of being surrounded by the warmth and care of her loved one.
She can only eat others that are much smaller than her though. But if she does, Setsurin's insides work like her outsides. The one inside her won't be eroded and digested. She just has a warm, moist chamber where she can hold her friend for as long as they both want!
These are not her only powers though. If her friend is hungry, or wants to play, she can read their wants or needs, and her body can change size accordingly. It only lets her get smaller though...
Setsurin's history has made her a bit skittish around some people though. More than once, she has been captured, beaten and almost raped. Having somehow survived, she does seem much more cautious around males, and will sometimes even avoid them if they do not look friendly from a distance, even if they truly are.
Her long, light hair goes down to her ankles, but it seems to never get in the way somehow...
On occasion, she does need to eat normal food. Her favorite are fruits. Grapes and strawberries in particular.
She does love to help and please her friends, and is more than willing to crawl in their mouth, as well as put them in hers if it goes that way. Or even crawl into another opening, if they want. But this is something she doesn't like to happen to her...
Since she does love nature, she likes to interact with the wildlife and plantlife. Seeing something out of place often gets her curious and she will usually want to examine it...
Even so, many things can startle her and make her run off.
For some reason, she adores the giant types. Being purely fascinated by their size, she will sometimes follow and, or, climb them and try to interact with them. Since she is only about 4' 5'', many people do tower over her, but she likes the ones that are much, much taller. Especially if they let her sit in their hand or somewhere else on them.
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