( Males i will speak to you ))
Name- Senna Kato
Age- 18
Height- 5ft
Weight- Not telling
Bust- B Cup
Job- Soul Reaper
Mother- Unknown
Father- Unknown
Brother- Unknown
Sister- Unknown
Lover- Looking
Trainer- Looking
Mistress- Looking
Friends- Looking
Zanpakuto- Mirokumaru
Senna likes the color red and high places. She's also very curious, constantly darting from place to place. Although she is haunted by brief, randomly-appearing memories of "her" past, Senna generally exhibits a spunky, upbeat, and carefree personality.
Senna was born into normal family, at a young age she was killed by a unknown cause as was sent into the soul society where she stayed and learned to become a soul reaper.After a few years Senna past the final test the soul reaper academy making her a fully feledge soul repaer.
Senna was assigned to earth in a place called the park and its nearby towns and city to help rid the world of any hollow's or un natural things who are aftert to hurt other's and make people suffer.

Normal cloths
Prefs to come.....