".. I see. Well, at the very least, I can use you to sate the others.."
A single look would immediately tell you she was a demon. Whether it was her statues, her charm, her figure, or, y'know, the massive pair of horns on her head, this gal is most certainly out for herself and her denizens. Not araid to take slaves if she needs them, or simply because she desires such things, her family and her house name holds the most sway in her actions. A practical woman, no doubt, she was born to an influential demon family as the eldest sister to a somewhat well-known younger sister by the name of Selexea. She is the eldest of the 109 siblings, and has fought for the crown long enough that she stands to inherit it at the forefront, surviving on sheer experience and influence. Though her temptress nature does cause her to enjoy herself at times, she sees the more practical side of raising her younger sister as a matured demon Queen, much the same to be as herself.
Seldarine herself is a rather haughty woman who likes to keep things tidy and organized before she can relax and spend time messing it all up again by having fun wrecking things at other peoples' expense. This also means there is almost no demon around that is safe from her wrath or her charm, as being the child to a Lust and Pride demon makes her an extremely charismatic woman. She herself hosts a small entourage of demons at all times, though se spends more of her time out of the main palace, so her entourage consists mostly of combat-ready demons who will protect her with their lives... Regardless if they want to or not. Not only does she take the same process as her younger siblings in transforming mortals, but she also makes them absolutely infatuated to the point where the thought of doing anything that would displease her would never come to mind, even in the tiniest speck. This ability is one of the reasons she survived as the eldest sister, when she, originally, was not the eldest...
It seems she had to rid herself of some of her competition.
Even with this, however, if she is going to take someone, she's going to do it in the most efficient manner she can while still having her fun. This way of thinking also translates over to her desires, her ambition, her lofty goals that seem unreachable at the time. She was to rule as much of hell as she possibly can in her time frame, taking to rather fragile alliances with other demon Queens such as Verraline. This allows her the trading of material, slaves, workers, as well as soldiers. Seldarine runs a massive training palace some ways away from the capital palace, using it to pump out demonic soldiers at a steady rate to keep the armies of hell marching toward their inevitable victory. This school however, does not simply employ soldiers, but also has a private schooling for demon lords and ladies in waiting, though the woman herself acts as a personal tutor and overseer for her youngest sibling under the desire of their father. She has taken well to this task, as it would be unwise for any of the occupants of Selexea's palace to get on her bad side, as it surely spells doom perhaps even quicker than usual.
As for things she enjoys doing on her downtime, they usually amount to either wandering about her palace or her sister's, generally having a good time, or, on odd occasion, going to the overworld to cause problems for the ever-growing host of angels, namely by ending quite a few of them in her gut while she's up there. But, it doesn't just apply to angels, if she sees someone she's like, she may either bring them back as a personal slave, change them, or generally play the facade of a very attractive human woman, because her looks are no joke for those that are unprepared for her charm.
But, even upon her frightening ability to charm people, she has much more subtle means of getting what she wants. When she induces a kiss, regardless of where it is on the host's body, a tattoo will be planted in the shape of her lips, before fading away into the tone color of their skin. It takes a highly skilled being to even discover the mark, much less dispel the effects. When the mark is left on their skin, it emits a cursed wavelength through their body, allowing her to change it in whatever way she sees fit. But, she frowns at this part of the ability, preferring it to its rather apt ability to mentally destroy someone. She can destroy memories, creating gaps of amnesia, or she can subtly change and twist memories to include herself or others she wishes, or even include people who may or may not even exist. Of course, this could cause a lot of confusion in the host, but, if done right, she essentially insert herself as their master or best friend, even family or mother, allowing her to remove anyone in her way with no risk of being found out. She extremely enjoys playing with the mind of mortals and even other demons to influence them, and has used it against other demons in order to overcome or devour them with no struggle, making this woman a potent adversary for humans, angels, and demons alike.
And now, her statistics:
Name: Seldarine Kwyzz’k
Age: Something around 56,000 years old. It's hard to count, really.
Height: 9'5", also one of the tallest of her sisters, if not the tallest.
Weight: Somewhere near 400 Ibs, but it fluctuates with meals and extra added weight.~
Race: Pride/Lust Demon hybrid.
Alignment: Lawful Evil