"I'm baaaaack!~"

Scarlette is Kaoma's twin sister, though the two don't look very much alike. Their attitudes are indeed amazingly similar, when Kaoma doesn't fall in love with a boy, Scarlette does. Kaoma loves the color red, while Scarlette simply adores the color purple! Scarlette is indeed a fire bender like her sister, but she doesn't use it like she does to light tree or anything else on fire when she feels like it. Scarlette uses it as a resource, she often uses it as a source of light, or a way to start a camp fire. When necessary, she will use it to protect herself from a threat. Saying this, she is no where near as skilled as Kaoma is with it. Scarlette is an artist, often using paints as her medium, she enjoys drawing things like the forest, the sun set and the lake. Calming things mainly.

Scarlette is a fairly hyper girl, who has a rather weak spot for cute things. Especially when they're a good size smaller then her. While Scarlette isn't much of a pred, she will pred on her friends, if they wish for her to. Only thing Scarlette requires for them to do is shrink down. She doesn't like seeing her stomach bulge. Only other peoples. Yep, Scarlette has the hugest thing for guys with bulges on their stomachs! She is a kind girl, who has a strange fantasy for starting a porno movie. Scarlette, much like her sister, wont deny to having a little "fun" now and then.

Scarlette has dark purple hair, that falls to the middle of her back, usually rather shiny, her ears are the exact same color, along with her tail. They are dyed this color. Her original colors are all red, like Kaoma's, she didn't like these colors though, so she got rid of them. Her eyes are also a purple color, this is her natural color though, her mother having the same color eyes. Scarlette is almost always wearing purple, and if she isn't, she can't find anymore purple to wear! She usually has a hat on her head, as shown in the picture above. Her skin is rather pale for all of the time she spends outside.

Name at birth: Scarlette Nicole Lover
Aliases/Nicknames (if any): Scar
Preferred name: Scarlette
Age: 19 [ player age is the same ]
Date of birth: 5/3/92
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity: Bi-sexual
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 5'8
Weight: 100
Build: Fairly skinny, rather strong for the way she looks.
Eyes: Purple.
Hair: Long, Purple hair.
Clothes Style: Anything purple!
Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc.: 2 Ear piercings on her neko ears.
Languages spoken: French and English
Weapons (if any): She uses her gun if anything, but will use her fire bending.
Occupation(s): Works at Jade_Neko's store.
Special Abilities/Skills: She can fire bend and teleport.
Hobbies: Painting, writing stories, hanging out with her friends, finding more purple to wear! Taking walks through the park.
Interests: Same as Hobbies.
Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: She tends to invade personal space.
Place of Birth: Nexus Park
Now lives: Nexus Park
Lives with: Kaoma
Current Relationship Status: In a relationship with MatthewKazuel, Jacoby_Volen and Vahlok_Vith
Relationship History: N/A