
Fan Character from the Blood+ series!

The need to know

Saya is what is known as a Chiropteran Queen. What does this mean? Well in simple terms Saya is a vampire Queen and is in charge of protecting the world from hideous monsters that are out to destroy it. Though this already happened, multiple times to be exact. Saya is only active for a year or two, after that she goes into a hibernation that can last up to thirty years. While in this hibernation she is not to be disturbed, if this happens she wakes up in a bloody rage and is on a hunt to kill with nothing else on her mind at all.

Saya gathers her true strength from her blood. The blood that runs in her veins allows her to cut down any monster and vampire in her way. When wielding her trusty blade she lets her blood run through the blade itself, once the blood soaks her blade, it can not be stopped, she has rarely encountered a foe that can top her when she is at full strength.

When in combat Saya is cold and doesn't show remorse, she is a killing machine. Once she has a mission she will not back down and she will fight until the very end. Though outside of battle she is very level headed and her true intellect shows. She is an excellent strategist and will go out of her way to make sure her friends and family are safe. On the opposite end of that, if she opposes you, she will not stop until you are finished. Saya is more than passionate about what she does.

The current situation.

With the world finally at peace Saya has awoken form her slumber, not seeing any trouble in the world she remains close with her old contacts and continues to monitor the world. Though most of her old team is broken up she scouts the world alone now for the most part. She goes from town to town making sure her old foes and even new vampires have not risen. Being the Queen of Vampires, every current vampire has some traces connected back to her, which means all vampires can be slayed by her blade.

Though this is not to say she simply spends all of her time out killing. For the most part she resides in random towns, visiting the locals and just enjoying her life, this is the first time she was able to put her troubled past behind her and simply enjoy the sunshine. No longer does she have to worry about fighting every second of her life. Though now that she is at peace she lets her guard down more often, at times she doesn't even take her blade with her, she simply relies on her senses and agility, but that is not always enough.

Of course Saya is always for hire, if you think something is amiss she will do her best to get to you as fast as she can and solve any issue that rises. At the end of the day Saya is still a fighter, and a ruthless killer at that. This past she can never leave behind, it is something she can try to improve.

Extra notes of interest

Player adores micro/macro scenes and the following kinks!

Body exploration!
Story telling and Character Interaction!

Don't be surprised if Saya shrinks you down and decides to play with you!

-Saya can be used as both Pred and Prey-

Work in progress, whisper for questions


Thinking the world was safe Saya began to wander once more. She found herself lost in the woods when she ran into her sister once more, only this time....she was huge. Saya had encountered Giantess_Diva, and she was showing her no mercy whatsoever. She was eaten, stepped on, and sat on...and now she resides in a locker close to Diva's chest and is nothing more than a slave.