Age: Unknown
Race: Quantum-locked Phantasmic Entity, or Schrödinger's Demon
*Gender: Female
*Height: 5'5"
*Weight: 112 lb
*Hair Color: Black
*Eye color: Deep Red
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
* Denotes dynamically changing descriptions
Back Story
I’ve lost the ability to express,
Thoughts are nothing but a jumbled mess.
I’m surprised at how time molds you,
I’m awed at how life holds you.
Hands draw you back and keep you glued to the ground,
Chain you with reality; gnaw at you like a hound.
Time heals your sour wounds but leave a deep scar,
To remind you of those failures you have accumulated so far.
You’ve to suppress your voice when you want to cry,
Shadows don’t leave you no matter how hard you try.
An emptiness fills your whole being,
You wonder how to escape this wretched feeling.
You await a small opening from inside the closed doors,
A share of sun, a ray that’s your.
When, Why how your being was transformed,
Who is this stranger in the reflection,
Your mirror has formed.
Suffocating is this alien personality,
You dread to open eyes and accept the reality.
-"Illusion" by Shikha Singh
Sariel is...hard to explain, to say the least. Not even it knows when it was created, and though it has took the form of a woman, it...or she knows very well that she can change at any time.
Because she, or he, is exactly that. Chaos, Change, Illusion, Confusion. Sariel is the embodiment...the avatar of chaos composed into a fantastical being of immense power, wisdom...and insanity. To ask for anything of her past is an impossibility, as goes for her future, as she lacks both. She is a being outside time and space, a being outside the realm that you live in....a being of the Chaotic Quantum plane.
What, exactly, is a 'Schrödinger's Demon'
To first understand the concept of Schroedinger's demon, you must know the original thought experiment known as "Schrödinger's Cat"
Schrödinger's Cat: A cat, along with a flask containing a poison, is placed in a sealed box shielded against environmentally induced quantum decoherence. If an internal Geiger counter detects radiation, the flask is shattered, releasing the poison that kills the cat. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Yet, when we look in the box, we see the cat either alive or dead, not a mixture of alive and dead, This state of being neither/either dead or alive is known as 'Quantum Lock'.
The concept of Quantum lock is how to explain what a Schrödinger's demon is and how a Schrödinger's Demon may exist in the first place. Sariel is Quantum locked within a plane of existence that negates 'environmentally induced quantum decoherence', therefore the effects of space and time take no grip upon him/her and do not apply. Normally such a thing would prevent the existence of any being, unless it was introduced in a manner that defies the known laws of physics.
....Everyone knows Magic, by its very nature, defies the laws of physics on many an occasion. Sariel exists because of an experiment similar to the Schrödinger's cat theory, unintentionally performed by a mage and a demon summoned to him for assistance. The demon, having no control over his fate, also happened to be a powerful illusionist, and tried to make it appear as he was not even there. Such a thing only furthered the mage, who wished to see that if a demon was shifted in and out of a plane of existence, would it be dead, or alive?
With this question in mind, the mage constructed a box that, he felt, prevented any possible contamination from an outside source...sound familiar? He then forced the demon inside of the box, sealed it with magic, and shifted it out of existence and back with a simple spell known as blink.
The mage then opened the box to find Sariel the way he left her....Which aggravated the mage to no end, he immediately trying to kill sariel for ruining his experiment, using a special silver sword. The sword immediately passed through sariel and the box even. The magic used to create the box had done its work...the issue was in the shift between planes, the magic then applied to sariel causing her to be immune to environmentally induced quantum decoherence.
At least...this is the story that everyone will tell you. They believe Sariel to be the demon from that mages experiment, when in fact...the truth is far from so.
To learn the has to delve deep into the most ancient of ruins...or release Sariel from her imprisonment of decoherance.
(Updates go here)
Sariel, after a chance encounter, was told she didn't look like a girl...
That bothered her, to say the least. The person in question then showed the curious demon a shoujo romance to see what a girl should look like, and though Sariel definitely has the appearance to match her normal gender....the forlorn, Yuki-onna esk, teen appearance isn't much of an least in the man who tried to bring her a more feminine form.
That didnt seem to be enough for yet another person, who had gotten her hooked onto a website featuring many different pictures of cute girls and beautiful women, She seeming to take the best of what she liked and forming them into what you see above, Sariel's idea of a beautiful woman.
Sariel has many mental issues, the most notable being 'Histrionic Personality Disorder' noted for excessive emotionality and attention-seeking, including an excessive need for approval and inappropriate seductiveness, usually beginning in early adulthood. These individuals are lively, dramatic, enthusiastic, and flirtatious. They may be inappropriately sexually provocative, express strong emotions with an impressionistic style. Normally this also is characterized with strong and easy manipulation, of which Sariel use to be, till Sariel learned of his/her untimely push into immortality/invulnerability. Such a thing has also given him/her smaller, but noticible cases of Sadism, Megalomania, Narcissism, and even Dementia Proxia, though one would only notice the Histrionic tenancies in simple conversation.
In layman's terms, Sariel is an eccentric. He/she is hard to follow in a conversation, and hard to know just how he/she will respond to things. Though he/she is hard to actually anger, Sariel's mood can shift on a dime, going from cheerful, to lust-filled, to depressed, to enraged within seconds, all to simply keep attention upon him/her.
Environmentally-induced Quantum Decoherence Immunity: In a nutshell, the laws of physics in all ways do not affect him in any matter, nor does matter as a whole. You can stab, slice, bludgeon, burn, electrify, freeze, or any other number of things to Sariel as you like, but they will not work. Only skills that either defy or ignore the Laws of Physics affect Sariel.
....Thats Magic, by the way.
This, however, does not mean that Sariel cannot interact with the Physical plane, it simply means that it cannot affect him unless Sariel wishes it to and focuses.
Illusion: Sariel was an illusionist before the accident, and this fact remains the same. Sariel can bend perception upon one or multiple targets, creating a hallucinatory world that is controlled by the whim of the caster.
Elementalism: Similar to her/his Illusion abilities, Sariel can manipulate the elements and bend them, though not nearly to the degree that a mage trained in such arts can perform.
Tarot: Sariel, after years working for many a circus, became entranced with the art of reading fortunes and the mysteries of Tarot. With cards in hand, She/he can tell the fortune of someone who asks it, or perform any of the following skills, each pertaining to what lays on the card itself. Cards must be drawn from random to actually be effective.
The Sword: Summons a dancing scimitar to her side, fighting for her cause till the battle ends.
The Cup: Calls forth a golden chalice filled with healing potion for her, or someone else's use.
The Wand: Automatically performs an illusionary or Elemantal spell of Sariel's choosing.
The Pentacle: Divines knowledge from the target, teaching Sariel a weakness.
The Fool: This unlucky card for Sariel causes the deck to cease functioning as a magical ability. Reversed or otherwise.
The Magician: An obvious symbol of magic, this spell mirrors the image of Sariel many times over, preventing one from knowing his/her true position.
The High Priestess: A symbol of holiness, it creates an aura of charisma around her, making it easier to both capture attention and perform illusion.
The Empress: A symbol of Maternity and Sexuality, the card attempts an immediate charm upon the closest member of the opposing sex.
The Emperor: A symbol of Paternity and Discipline, it creates an aura of fear around her, causing those of weak will to swiftly beg forgivness, or flee in terror.
The Hierophant: A symbol of Knowledge and Wisdom, it performs a clairvoyant act for Sariel, similar to the pentacle, but instead teaches her/him her enemies worst fears.
The Lovers: A symbol of choice, it allows Sariel to either draw another card, or perform the action of a previously drawn card, causing the deck to become inert after.
The Chariot: A symbol of Determination and Ego, it summons a fearless dancing spear to his/her side, fighting till the battle ends.
Justice: A symbol of karma, it forcibly balances karma in battle, causing harm to those with too much bad karma, and heals those with good karma.
The Hermit: A Symbol of Solitude and Self-reliance, it creates an impassible shield between Sariel and the outside world till the hostile element leaves.
Wheel of Fortune: A Symbol of Chaos and luck, Performs the effect of a card randomly on all around Sariel
Strength: A Symbol of Might, it doubles the size of any summoned weapons/armors.
The Hanged Man: A symbol of treachery, its position is important.
Normal- It causes a member of the opposing force to immediately attack his/her allies fanatically.
Reversed: It causes all summoned dancing weapons to attack sariel fanatically.
Death: A symbol of change, it shuffles the deck automatically and allows each person allied or against Sariel to draw a card.
Temperance: A symbol of control, it doubles the effect of the next card, but allows no other cards to be drawn for 20 minutes.
The Devil:A symbol of Temptation, it turns Sariel into an object of lust, a Succubus, for the duration of an entire day.(See succubus form for reference)
The Tower: A symbol of Fanaticism. it summons a Dancing sword, Lance, and Shield into battle.
The Star: A Symbol of Optimism, it calms down Sariel, giving him/her further time to assess the battle and cast a spell without chance of interuption from an outside source.
The Moon: A symbol of Death, Its position is important:
Normal: Causes an enemy to immediately fall unconscious, or 'Die'.
Reversed: It immediately drains all energy from Sariel, drains the cards abilities and negates her Environmentally-induced Quantum Decoherence Immunity.
The Sun:A Symbol of Life, its position is Important:
Normal: Reinvigorates the deck, returning all drawn cards to the deck, shuffled, and negates the effects of the fool.
Reversed: Invigorates her foes, healing any scars and negating the effects of the Moon.
Judgement: His/her second most powerful card, a symbol of Order, its position is important.
Normal: Judges enemies based on the matters of law. All evil foes are ejected from battle, all Good foes are charmed, all neutral foes are unaffected.
Reversed:Judges enemies based on the matters of law. All Good foes are ejected from battle, all Evil foes are charmed, all neutral foes are unaffected.
Aeon/The World: Sariel's most powerful card, a symbol of Chaos, its position is crucial.
Normal: The Chaos of the world, by its very nature, invokes murphy's law, causing the deck to become inert, along with summoning a meteor to Explosively crash directly where Sariel is standing.
Reversed: The Chaos of the world causes the deck to become inert, but rewards Sariel for her/his adherence to alignment, transforming him/her into the form she lost...oh wait, i almost revealed her true origins. Nope, your gonna have to go for a story to meet the 'real' her.
Succubus form:

Age: Appears 19
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 102 lb
Alignment: Sex, i mean Chaotic Neutral
Short Description: Sariel on her own is androgynous...its hard to assign her a gender without looking. This form, brought on by the powers of temptation, turns him into a beautiful succubi, invoking her own lusty desires and charming all around her.
'True' Form
Age: appears 19
Gender: Female
Height: 6'6"
Weight: Unknown
Abilities: Unknown
Little is known of this form....her true name, her true purpose....she looks nothing like 'sariel' but that is a given as so much had been stolen from her. This girl is still sariel...the same girl you had faced so much...and yet, at the same time she is not.
....if she ever was given access to this form on a permanent basis..the world would be in grave danger...
OOC Notes
I know its a lot to read, but It shows the work I put into him/her.
Don't assume gender.
Sliders are preference but not definite.
Sariel, since it was not brought up, feeds on chaotic energy, either by pulling it from life sources or from the chaos of battle and strife.
Any questions may be answered in whisper or PUB.
A (Possibly Ecchi) book in