Name: Sarah Wildvin
Age: 30
Height: 6’ 3”
Weight: 250 pounds
Gender: Female
Species: Anthro Cowgirl
Breast Size: 40E

This is what she looks like as far as build and that. She has the normal cow coloring, of white with black splotches her belly and down over her cunny and up her butt crack and to the middle of her back is white with black splotches on her sides between the base of her rib cage down to her waist, as well as wrapping around underneath her breasts, and over across her back so that only a sliver of white is visible between the splotches before the white coloring spreads back out over her shoulders. Her hips are black on either side spreading down midway along her plump thighs, the insides of her thighs and her legs are white her feet ending in hooves.
Her udder is large and pink, with four teats on it about four inches long when limp and one inch thick, when she gets aroused or simply has someone suckling on them, they can swell up to about 8 inches long and two inches thick, it’s usually soft and squishy and making constant sloshing sounds being full of milk. Her legs hide a rather thick lipped pussy from casual view as the young woman doesn’t really see the need in wearing clothing of any sort beyond the occasional bikini so that she can hang out at beaches without worry. At least when she's out on her own, when she's playing with someone she has a tendancy to break the ice by trapping them in her current outfit. So when you approach expect to get a face full of her breasts as you get snugged into her bikini or a skintight latex catsuit with openings cut for her breasts and udder so that you're face will stick out between them in view of anyone around.
Likes: Snuggling, Cuddling, sex, seduction, making out, nursing (both being nursed from, and nursing from someone), maternal preds, being maternal to her prey/playmates, breast vore, udder vore, unbirthing, endosomatophilia, female/herm preds/prey.
Preferences: Can be both pred or prey depending on the situation.