proud alt (and prototype of)
Curiosity killed the cat.
Sarah never believed those words of advice she kept being told over and over again. After all, what fun was a world where all you did was the same things over and over every day?
She loves to romp around and enjoys having fun with people. An example of sarah's logic: "Mew eats mousies birdies and fishies. Fishies swim, birdies fly, and mousies dont. You don't fly, you don't swim, and mew eats you, so you are a mousie!"
She has a huge affinity for plushies, and loves to just cuddle and hug them all day long.
For some reason, she decided to start wearing a wing off of
Madalyne in her hair. She's sometimes seen licking its incredibly sweet taste off.
Sarah was given a lovely foot-tall plushie version of
Kitsume. It can reform on its own, and sarah is often seen with it. Rumored to alert kitsume if sarah is in danger.
player is of age
No sex, no CV, no UB
Those that want an older neko to play with:
Her adult form still has the fun and childlike naivete as her younger form, but the experience of a practiced hunter. She works in a plushie factory, inventing new vore capable products for young ones.
Adult form can sometimes be seen summoning a tuna fish shaped claymore from hammer space. it was given to her by
Stupid fun: