
Embrace Pokemon
Gardevoir is a humanoid species of Pokémon that is one of the two possible fully-evolved and developed forms that the Kirlia species can evolve into. Gardevoir has psychic powers including telekinesis and telepathy, and it also has the ability of precognition, enabling it to see into the future to detect incoming dangers. It moves by levitating itself, and can ignore gravity.Its powers are strong enough to the point where Gardevoir can disrupt the space-time continuum. By doing so, it can create a miniature black hole. Gardevoir has an unparalleled sense of concern for its Pokémon trainer, such that it will even give its own life for its trainer. The psychic powers that Gardevoir wields are at its height when it is protecting its trainer from a threat.
It has also recently been found that Gardevoir are also of the Fairy species, giving them further powers that most would have thought the gentle Gardevoir would be incapable of.
Pokemon Skills
Synchronize: When this Pokémon becomes poisoned, paralyzed, or burned, so does the opponent. However, Fire-type and Water Veil ability Pokémon cannot be burned, Poison-type and Steel-type and Immunity ability Pokémon cannot be poisoned, and Limber ability Pokémon cannot be Paralyzed.
Trace: Special ability becomes the same as that of the opponent. Switching this Pokémon out of battle restores its original ability. In a Double Battle, a random opponent’s ability will be copied.
Mega evolution Ability:
Pixilate: All normal moves become Fairy type, causing them to immediately have the same properties as a fairy move, as well as gaining STAB.
Pokemon Move list
Confuse Ray:
Accuracy: 100
A sinister ray that confuses the foe.
Power: 95
A powerful psychic attack that may lower SP. DEF.
Calm Mind
Raises SP. ATK and SP. DEF by focusing the mind.
Dazzling Gleam
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100
The user damages opposing Pokémon by emitting a powerful flash.
Accuracy: 100
Borrowing the power of the moon, the user attacks the target. This may also lower the target's Sp. Atk stat.
Misty Terrain
The user covers the ground under everyone's feet with mist for five turns. This protects Pokémon on the ground from status conditions.
Infatuates targets, making it hard for them to attack foes of the opposite gender.
Not that many know this, but most evil teams keep what is called a 'Bingo Book', a large manual that has a Dossier on everyone and anyone that may be a threat and it describes the potential that they have to either cause harm to their mission, or to inform them if they should be made a target...or to flee on sight at them. People like Gold, Red, Lance, Steven, N...these people are some of the few that have been given a 'flee on sight' order.
Sanaito is one of the coveted few 'pokemon' as well...not her breed, but her specifically
Aliases: Sana, Serenity Gardenia, Gardevoir, Subject 301.
Age: 18
Height: 5'03"
Weight 106.7 lb
Bust: 34 B-C
Occupation: Unknown
Affiliations: Unknown
has been known to deliberately assault trainers she finds unworthy of their pokemon, as well as those whom attempt to steal pokemon from others. Is easily identified by her blue hair, near-glowing orange eyes and feathery tufts in hair like a Gardevoir."
Now, how did such a sweet, caring girl get such a worrisome bingo book entry, you say? Well, we have to begin at the beginning for that.
"Stupid useless Gardevoir! Get out of my sight! GO!"
This was the so called beginning of Sana, even if it felt like the end. Her former trainer, Ricky, had finally got the pokemon of his dreams. A strong and fierce Gallade, ready to take up arms and fight for him at the drop of a hat. It was not as though she was not just as protective. In fact, she was -far- superior in power than the Gallade was. Ricky simply never liked her. She was...clingy. Weird...girlie, any number of things, but most of all she -clung- to him like she was in love with him.
In many ways, she was. That freaked him out, and worst off it made his girlfriend mad. Which, of course, is what led to this day, with the beautiful shiny Gardevoir crying as her trainer left her in the middle of the White forest of Unova. The day that everything changed, just as a dart pierces the white neck of the beauty, and she falls forward into a deep slumber.
"...the reaction was unexpected."
"Unexpected is an understatement. This is not what I asked for, Colress.It was not easy to get those chains for research."
"do you deny that this does still have scientifi-"
"This is NOT what I asked for. I expect results! DO not fail me again....remove this useless trash from my sight."
The words would snap her out of it.
"W...wha...what...nngh...this isn't the forest...its so cold feels like metal...why is my head so groggy..."
Sana always had been able to hear her own thoughts like this. She understood the language of her kin, but she readily understood the words that were spoke around her most days. Granted, waking up and feeling...this odd was something she never expected. She felt weird...and as her eyes blinked open, she realized there was a man with blonde hair watching her, writing things down. She gasped and backed up, stumbling and placing her hand onto her lips.
she looked promptly down at herself. She was in...a looked like her old body...her emotion horn was still in the middle...but it had soft fleshy orbs and peach skin...she had fingers...she had feet! what...what was going on.
She panicked, her back hitting the wall as the man suddenly frowns. and says "Subject 301 is panicking, ready the sedative gas."
"S-sedative gas!? You..You did this to me...w..what!? I can TALK!?"
Of course, the fact she spoke caused Colress to drop his clipboard as he suddenly was about to say something, but out of nowhere the girl slammed her hands forward, and a massive, oppressive wave would cause the metal in the entire cage to begin buckling, just as Colress rapidly backs up and slams his hand into a nearby button. Sana would send another powerful wave into the wall, nearly rupturing it, only for the gas to hiss out and within seconds, Sanaito would fall forward, body slumping and the energy fading.
Colress would have his hand over his heart, shivering as he would look at the readings on the monitors. "...this is a failure....what if I actually succeed?"
The second time she woke up, she realized she was...back in a forest. The white forest...the place ricky left her. At first she had thought it was a horrible dream, but a quick opening of the eyes told her well enough it wasn't. She was...a freak. A freak of nature....and yet she realized that he had said 301....there were others.
Lots and lots of others.....It was a start...she had to figure out what happened to the other three hundred. As she began to sit up, she realized there was a file on her chest that said 'Project Armageddon' written in very neat handwriting on it. She would stare at it an open it, only to see the picture of the man...of a bunch of people in black uniforms, some with blue P's on them, some with red R's...even a few dressed like sailors and in hooded jackets.....and the notes underneath told her more then she cared to know.
...she had to stop them from making a huge mistake find these groups and appeal to them, either through words...or through force....But first? first she needed to figure out how to get use to all of to live like this. She supposed she looked like a human enough to pass off as a...what did they call them? A cosplayer? It would be a good guise, though she didn't want to become a trainer, the memories of her terrible time with ricky still vivid. Still, she needed a place to head, and the first notes kept mentioning a place called Kanto. was a start.
Despite the anger she feels for the people whom did this to her, Sana goes out of her way to not be as angry to the humans around her as she should be. True, she is...sort of a human. Every doctor insists she is a human, albeit a very very dangerously powerful psychic...but they insist she is human nevertheless. She bleeds like one, she has parts like one, she smiles, eats, hums...everything about her is human now. Its to the point that she even stripped naked and...explored herself to confirm it. The only real things she kept from her former self was her eyes, her emotion gem, her hair and...well..her abilities.
Which were frighteningly stronger, more on that later. Given that you'll meet Sana long after her ordeals in the white forest, you'll meet a much more peaceful and happy girl. She tends to feed off the emotions around her, so don't be surprised to find that, if your sad, she will be. If your happy? Sure thing. If your horny? she will be to...she's an empath to an extreme degree, especially as she has done everything to limit her bonds till she finds someone she can trust. Normally she is a sweet, almost submissive thing...much like one would expect...well..a gardevoir to be! Protective of pokemon and people she cares for. Loving and kind. Huggy and affectionate.
Other Abilities
Telepathy: She can read and project her thoughts...for miles, unless there is interference.
Telekinesis: She can move things with her miiiiiiinnnnd wooooooohhhhh. Seriously though, she can lift things up to a small building if she is angry enough.
Aurapathy: She can use and wield the aura to some degree. Don't know what that is? Look it up.
Empathy: she is quite capable and readily able to feel and sense the emotions of others, often affected by it herself. She is also capable of projecting her emotions, which makes her move 'attract' far far more dangerous in her hands.
Shapeshifting: After a few months of figuring herself out, she realized she can shift back into her 'feral' or 'pokemon' form with ease, as well as being able to shift her 'clothing' into anything she likes...she has costumes folks, and has fun dressing up!
Mega Evolution( 'Primal Reversion'): Due to her changes as a pokemon turned Gijinka, she no longer needs the power of a keystone to transform, able to step right into her 'mega' form through the use of a technique made famous by the ancient pokemon Groundon and Kyogre. With the use of her Gardinite, she can step right into the radiantly beautiful form that gives her even more power in her moves.
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