
Saki and Yuki.
Two sisters who have spent every moment of their lives together... Sharing every meal, bath, idea and the like. But there is one striking difference
between the two. One that anyone can notice... That being the difference in their sizes. While Yuki herself is quite small when compared to an average
person her age, Saki towers over the average. While this has made their lives a bit more difficult at times, it has also made it more interesting for
them both. Saki more so, as she occasionally recognizes her miniature sibling
as a plaything. More than once, Yuki has been forced into a much wetter place somewhere inside her beloved sister.
Yuki, on one hand (perhaps literally), often wears very little more than a pair of panties and a loose shirt. The reason? There are two. One is; her
size. she has a difficult time finding things that fit her. Secondly is; her sister. With how often the larger of the two likes to play around with the
other, Yuki rarely gets to keep her clothing on very long, so why bother staying fully dressed?
Saki, on the other, wears nothing. The primary reason being; not many clothes are made for people her size. But then again, she loves seeing her
sister's flustered face when she flaunts her giant form about.
U.B. Pic sequence with Saki and Yuki
(If the images don't work, just click the links above them.
Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 3

Scene 4

Scene 5

Saki, being the larger, is rather confident in herself. She loves to have her fun and try out new things... Even if it is at the expense of her sister.
She is always cautious with Yuki, however, not wanting to cause her any real harm.
Yuki, on the other hand, is quite shy and even a bit insecure at times. She becomes flustered when her big sister teases her, but knows it is in good fun...
Most of the time anyway.
1. Either girl can be played separately... But it is not preferred.
2. Their sizes and ages can be debated. But Saki will always be much larger.
3. Willing or unwilling works.
As PredAs Prey
Being PredBeing Prey |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Soft Vore |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Whisper |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |
Private |
Always/Love |
Never/Dislike |