If I'm not set to Do Not Disturb, that means I'm open for approach, both IC and OOC approaches are enjoyed! Saizlero is the first of the
Predatory_Alts - go there for my preferences!
Art belongs to and was done by me!

Saizlero, or just Sai for short, is a young lamia of 25 years who usually stands just above two meters tall. She studies physics at a university, where she also works part-time as a librarian to earn a bit of money on the side... and because she has a thing for the 'sexy librarian' look. Additionally, she also has a social media account with a few thousand followers where she posts pictures of herself in various amounts of clothing, often with thick bulges in her belly or ballsack.
Sai has a hyperactive libido. If it was up to her, she'd have sex at least twice, probably four times a day. However, she's not sex-crazed in any way, and it doesn't impact her social life if she does not get her daily fun.
Some people would call Sai a slut. Sai does not deny this claim, but does call those people boring in return - and just generally doesn't interact with them. If they don't like her lifestyle, they should just mind their own business.
This young lamia is kind and caring. She is seen by most as open and approachable, being willing to listen to and provide emotional support to whoever might need it. However, her openness and directness even concerning personal matters is off-putting to some. She does not reserve intimacy, heaping it on friends and even strangers alike, and although most of her relationships eventually turn erotic, she's also perfectly content with non-sexual relationships.
She only eats those who are willing, and never digests people unless they ask her to AND they're able to reform... though given her popularity, she has no shortage of willing and reformable snacks.