This profile was copied automatically from the old chat.
The bats of the caves of Kamekara are a proud people. They defend their caves with honor and dignity, and ferocity in battle, but are among the most welcoming and hospitable people you'll ever meet. So when Saito was born and immediately discovered to be a hermaphrodite, her difference didn't cause her to be an outcast. Rather, it was embraced, and she was heralded as unique among her family.
Saito was born of noble blood - her family are attendants to the royal court of Kamekara. Specifically, they are a group of diplomats who routinely work out treaties and trade negotiations with their closest and most trustworthy neighbors. One of Saito's distant ancestors is a semi-legendary figure in the history of her people: she negotiated a peace between two warring neighbors when their armies met at the base of Kamekara Mountain.
As Saito grew up, she was given a first-class education in classical mythology and literature. Her peers and family hope that one day she might live up to her ancestor's reputation as a skilled negotiator, and in fact, this was the path Saito chose when she was old enough. When she began to grow into a woman, though... things got slightly difficult.
When she was 11 years old, her parents made her a dish called "bloodsteak," which is a very lightly-cooked slab of meat garnished with copper-scented spices to enhance the flavor of the blood. Saito's people aren't vampire-bats per se, but the dish is a delicacy to them, and is served when a girl exhibits the first signs of puberty. Saito didn't react too well to the dish. Something about the blood was so alluring to her... it made her feel invigorated, and she wanted more. She tore the meat to shreds and wounded some nearby people, trying to drink their blood. It was as if her personality completely shifted and she became so bloodthirsty she didn't care who she hurt to get a drink of it. When she was finally calmed down she snapped out of it, and didn't remember anything of the incident. Her parents resolved never to feed meat to her again. She was raised on the traditional meals of her people - fruits and insects.
Saito has dreams, surely, to make her people proud of her. However, she's just entered the most difficult part of her diplomatic training. The people of the Kamekara caves, and especially Saito's family, believe that books and oral teachings can never be enough to prepare anyone for the role they want to take on in life. First-hand experience is the ultimate learning tool, to them. They send out warriors-in-training to serve in combat in their allies' armies, for example. Apprentices in crafts and trades regularly are dropped right into running a business. So when Saito came of age at 16, she was sent out into the world at large to learn everything about the communities that surrounded her - first-hand. She's encouraged to meet new people, explore new customs and traditions, and do what she can to best represent her race in the process. Her mission is to last five years, and when she returns she is to be placed as an ambassador or diplomat with the community she's become the most familiar with.
So far, Saito's spent a year out on her own, traveling the world. She picked a part of the world her people were not familiar with, on purpose - she saw no adventure in spending five years among folks she already knew about. In one year, she's learned an awful lot about a whole slew of cultures. Sometimes she marvels at how she's still got four years left - how much more could there possibly be to find out? Her journey has put her more in touch with herself, and more in tune with the moods and feelings of everyone she meets. She's already become an excellent judge of character.
However, her time on the road has made her self-conscious. Although her own people never saw her hermaphrodite sex as a problem, she's run into many people who do. One incident in particular has made her wary of being open about her sex.
Just a few months after leaving home, Saito was welcomed into the cave of a different clan of bats. After a welcoming feast (she asked not to be served any meat), she sneaked off outside with a young male of the tribe. As she remembers it, they started to kiss, but when he went to undress her... well, he was unpleasantly surprised, and left her out in the cold moonlight alone. That experience wounded Saito, and she keeps her gender to herself now. She won't let you know about it unless you become close to her.
The bats of that cave tell a different story, however, of a lovely young girl who came to them out of the dark, seduced one of their most promising young warriors, and led him out onto the plains to drain the blood from his body.
Saito celebrated her 17th birthday on her own in a village quite far from here. In the months since then, she began hearing rumors about a mysterious Park, a place where creatures of every shape and size congregated. Some of the rumors were forboding - it was said the Park was home to terrifying monsters. Others said the Park was a pleasure retreat. Still others warned that many people who go into the Park are never seen again. Saito's curiosity got the better of her, and so she set out to find this Park, and explore it thoroughly.
Current Information
Saito has a small camp in the forest on the outskirts of the Park. There, she's set up a large portable wigwam she normally carries around on her back. The wigwam is very thick and warm, and has a long pole hanging from the ceiling, which she uses as her perch during the day (she hangs upside-down from it, of course). Because she's nocturnal, she doesn't come out during the day.
She's quite tall, 8' 1", but she's a slender and graceful creature. She carries herself with a noble posture. Her blue hair is a common trait of her family, and she likes to show it off. Although she carries the trademark hospitality and kindness of her people, she's rather demure and tends to keep to herself, preferring to observe for a long while before interacting.
Vore is not something new to her - she's seen it already on her travels, and she knows she's capable of it - but she doesn't want to devour someone unless they want to be devoured. She typically lives off fruit and bugs; her favorite food, actually, is apple pie. She discovered it on her travels and tries to buy or make some any chance she gets. Giving her a piece of apple pie will very quickly win you her friendship. Spilling a little blood around her, though... will cause quite a different reaction.
Other than what's already been said, Saito is a charming if shy girl, and really enjoys seeing new places and new people. Be aware, though, that because most things around her are still unfamiliar, she's probably not going to be very open with you at first. She has learned to be polite, but not give out her trust too easily.
Basic Information
Around 275 - 350 lbs
Good (Mostly)
None around here.
None gained.
Lakuchok - Fun little fox, she seems a bit feral, but she's been nice so far!
The character will need to ask Saito in the RP to have this. Also, if a pet, you're not allowed to have any other owners, or you will be disowned and probably ignored.
Met with Lakuchok and the bat girl asked to be her pet, or guide. So, Saito didn't really need a guide, so she took Laku in as her pet!
Saito has gotten a job at the Ravenholt_University as an assistant Librarian. She helps the head librarian, Lexis_Carter with anything she needs doing. Hooray for a job!
Well, for this, more so. She's into anything, other then the kinks that aren't for her below. Blood, gore, soft vore, hard vore, sex, scat, whatever. She's into it. It just depends if you can get close enough to her for her to 'want' to do these things. Don't be upset if I decline a rp with you. Sometimes I'm in the mood for other things, such as softcore. And yea, Males, sorry, I have other chars that accept males, Saito just prefers to be ontop and besides, she's had some bad experiences with males.