
"Need someone to find your lost cat? Hunt for hidden mushrooms? Fight off interdimensional vore monsters (and monstergirls)? This fiery, fist-to-fist fighting wolf girl is at your service!"

From the acclaimed series Milia Wars DX, this cute and deadly wolfgirl crosses into whatever bizarre dimension those strange, voracious creatures came from!.... Which happens to unsurprisingly be the Nexus. Armed with nothing but her fiery punches and blazing kicks (granted only whenever she has her clothes on), and speedy dodges, surely the Nexus (or whatever universe she ends up in scene) won't be too much for her, right?...

OOC: Fan alt of the cute wolfgirl who fits into various scenes, especially ones with some kind of vore/escape game included. I'll eventually get around to listing some, but if there's any (simple or complex) you'd like to play with Sachiho, please do let me know!

Side note!: Feel free to approach IC or jump right into things! Time is precious, so I don't mind getting right to the vorish fun! ^^Canon Event: Ungh, what is it with this lamia ambushing me all the time? W-well... the slithery Gina_Aravice managed to get the lucky upper-hand on me in a fight, squeezing me mercilessly in her tail. I tried to fight her off... but her tongue... well, to spare my humiliation, let's just say she was very skilled with her mouth... Once inside her, she decided she was going to digest me over the course of a month... totally not fair! And any attempt I try to make seems to only extend my stay inside her...

Update: Finally free again... I really need to take better care of myself or else this will keep happening, ungh...

Important canon news!
It's just not fair!.... I'd finally respawned after spending over a month inside Amy_Dangers's snake tail, and went to a spa bathhouse to wash the stench of snake innards off of my skin, ugh. Then out of nowhere, she ambushed me again! I guess... I didn't take her seriously enough... and along with my awful luck that cursed me that day, she managed to drag me back down her throat and into her snake tail... AGAIN... ungh, by the looks of it, I wont be geting out until 11/04/24... ungh, this sucks! Having such a persistent rival like this is hell on my social life...

Update: I'm free... again!... Jeeze, having a ravenous rival like Amy is more work than I thought... M-maybe I need to train harder so I don't end up as snake food again...

Important canon news!
I was just minding my own business today, when I sensed an attack from Amy_Dangers, hungry for revenge! I botched my attack, and she wasted no time coiling me up and shoving me in her pussy! I managed to escape, but I was so... horny... that I begged her to pull me back in... this was a mistake on my end, since she decided to digest me even slower than before, not letting me out until... 10/26/2024?! W-w-wait... there's something wrong... that's way too long! Gah! She must have really had it out for me...
Update: I'm... I'm finally free!.... That felt like an eternity... ungh, I hope I don't smell like snake guts....

LEWD NEWS!: From here on, I am now a temp-risk prey! Every scene will now have a chance to tempvore me through dice rolls, details below soon!

Super important OOC note
: Time is SUPER limited, so any scenes should be completed quickly/same day! I don't have much time to play as of late, so until my schedule free's up, let keep our dinner dates short and sweet <3

Important canon event (7/9/2024): While I was naked and taking a shower, Sara_Naga slithered her way into my home, and ambushed me inside my own bathroom! Without my garments, and while exhausted after a long day, she easily dominated me and squeezed me half to d eath before slurping me inside her snake vagina! Ungh, she didn't just eat me, but she kept my soul locked inside her for 36 days! (Tempvore until 8/16/24)

Important canon event: On 12/10/2021, I was just working out near a desolate river, building up strength to fight off predators!.... Well, Sisrorse just happened to catch my scent and got me when I was vulnerable! I tried to fight back, but I was too tired, and she was too hungry.... after a pathetic struggle later, that kitty managed to stuff me into her stomach feet first! Gah, I thought I could escape, but her stomach acids were too much... then, her body absorbed my soul, and now I'm trapped inside her for 4 whole days! Ugh, to make matters worse, my face got tattooed on her breast, so now even if I come back, that tattoo is forever, awooo..... well, guess I have to get used to my new home inside her for now....
Update: Waaaay over-due, but I"m finally out! Sweet sweet freedom~!

Important canon event: On 3/31/2024, I was just walking back home one night when Sabrie bumped into me. We chatted, and I thought she was a safe person to hug... but then she started squeezing me like a snake, weakening me to swallow me whole. T-that pervert pleasured herself the whole time she churned me into mush, then had the nerve to steal all of my traits and seal my soul away for 6 whole days!... I mean, I'll get my traits back when I return, but it was such a one-sided humiliating defeat for me... Update: Finally free! Sweet freedom! I won't lose again!

Important Canon event: On 07/09/2024, I was just taking a shower in the safety of my own home when Sara_Naga slithered in through an open window and assaulted me! i tried to fight back, but I was so tired from a busy day, and with the bathroom being so steamy, I couldn't even use my fire abilities! She wrapped her long, powerful coils around me and squeezed me into submission, breaking my body and making me easier to slurp inside her voracious snake pussy.... Of course she taunted me the whole time! Even using my limp body as a sex toy! But alas, she eventually dragged me deeper inside her long tail, churning me down into mush to absorb and sealing me away for... a month?! W-wait... that's too long! I wanna get out....

Inheritable Ability: Taking a life off of Sachiho can have some benefits, ranging from copying her fire abilities to even aspects of her wolfness! (Temp vore completely optional, but must be added to players' profile please <3)
Simple vore inheritance roll (d6):
1 = None!
2 = Fire Resistance
3 = Martial Arts skills
4 = Flame Control
5 = Fluffy Wolf parts (or Instincts, if you prefer)
6 = Any/All 4 above AND temp vore (Roll another d6 to determine how many days you get to keep her)

Of course vore games aren't necessary for a scene, but can make for a nice addition to add a bit of spice, especially if there's a chance Sachiho can escape!

Tempvore game: Wanna own me (literally) exclusively for some time? Well then, in the middle of digestion, do the following:
Roll a 3d6:
-Add together all rolls 3 and above
-Subract all 1 and 2 roll from that number
-The resulting number is how many days you will keep me

-If you roll doubles: if 1 or 2, multiply those added together and subtract from total. If 3,4,5, or 6, add both dice together, and double the number and with final die. That's how many days you keep me.
-If you roll triples...
> 1's - I escape your belly/cock/womb, gyahaha!
> 2-5's - Add all 3 numbers, multiply by 3, and I'm trapped for that many days.
> 6's - Two months.... I'm trapped for 2 months...

Fun Modifiers: -"Sore Loser" - Got a bad roll? Want a re-roll? All you have to do is bully me, taunt me, be mean to me to try to force me into letting you roll again.
-"Double or Nothing" - Looking to get greedy? If your rolls had no doubles or triples, flip a coin (1d2). 1 means I escape, 2 doubles the time I'm temped.

Unlucky 13 (Interactive dice game)
During a scene, once prey has been ingested, both players roll dice (prey: 1d10 and pred: 1d13) -Prey has 13 hp.
-If prey wins, hp remains the same. If pred wins, prey loses 1 hp.
-Pred and prey post in between rolls.
-If pred rolls natural 13, prey loses 1 additional hp. If prey rolls natural 1, prey loses 1 aditional hp. Ties are re-rolled.
-After 10 rounds, if prey has 8 or more hp, then I am safe and will be reformed (in or out of scene)
-If prey has between 1-7 hp, then the temp will be for however much hp the pred took out of the prey as days (e.g. 5 hp left = 8 days)
-If prey reaches 0 hp, roll 3 d13, and that is how many days temp I'm stuck -(optional) If pred wants to gamble more, after the 10 rounds, roll a 1x 4-sided dice. 1-3 multiply the hp damage count, and that will be the amount of temp days. If a 4 is rolled, then I am safe, and will reform.

Notable Matches:
-Sachiho didn't take her little sparring match with Diane_Fox too seriously... and paid the ultimate price! After getting her face smushed by the vulpine's butt, the wolf girl found herself in a one-way trip up Diane's butt, digesting in slimy butt fluids and having her flame abilities stolen from her!

A New Rival Has Appeared!
Sachiho was attacked by an overzealous lamia named Amy_Dangers, who seemed to be short on luck! Sachiho is, after all, quite experienced with wrestling with lamia! A few stumbling slithers later, and Sachiho had Amy in a lovely breast-smothering chokehold, leaving the unconscious lamia to learn from her mistakes. Will Amy be looking for revenge? Probably~! Will Sachiho humiliate her again if Amy loses? Most definitely~!
Roleplay Preferences (Click here for explanation)

As Prey

Being PredBeing Prey Always/Love
Soft Vore Always/Love
Hard Vore Always/Love
Digestion Always/Love
Fatality Always/Love
Reforming Always/Love
Endo Always/Love
Oral Vore Always/Love
Unbirthing Always/Love
Cock Vore Always/Love
Anal Vore Always/Love
Tail Vore Always/Love
Breast Vore Always/Love
Vampiric Vore Always/Love
Unconventional Vore Always/Love
Stretchy Always/Love
Realistic Always/Love
Cooking Always/Love
Food Related Always/Love
Rough Always/Love
Sex Always/Love
Pain Always/Love
Never/Dislike Ungh I love this too much, mostly either from coiling/crushing or digestion.
Blood Always/Love
Scat Always/Love
Disposal Always/Love
Bondage Always/Love
Willing Always/Love
Never/Dislike Hard no. Not by hypnosis, seduction, or suicidal tendencies. She's going to make her predators work for their meal, aha~!
Unwilling Always/Love
Never/Dislike Absolutely all of my yes.
Micro/Macro Always/Love
Same Size Always/Love
Male Partner Always/Love
Never/Dislike Non-human only
Female Partner Always/Love
Herm Partner Always/Love
Human Partner Always/Love
Demi Partner Always/Love
Fur Partner Always/Love
Scaly Partner Always/Love
Feathered Partner Always/Love
Plants Always/Love
Animal / Non-morphic Always/Love
Non-Sentient Partner Always/Love
Underage Character Always/Love
Verbose Posts Always/Love
Quick Posts Always/Love
Evolving Character Always/Love
Staying In Character Always/Love
Surprise Me Always/Love
Multi-Session Always/Love
Grab and Gulp Always/Love
Vore game Always/Love
Never/Dislike This! Let's play a game for keeps! I win, I get stronger~! You win... well... I suppose I might get temp'd... and you'd get my neat little flame martial arts ability....
Whisper Always/Love
IC Approaches Always/Love
Never/Dislike Always ALWAYS feel welcome to jump right in with an IC approach, I love em!
Canon/Fan Characters Always/Love
IC Approaches Always/Love
Coiling / Constriction Always/Love
Permavore/Tempvore Always/Love
Never/Dislike Only by a game, of course! And Temp = yes! Perma = no!
Snakes and Lamias Always/Love
Tempvore Always/Love