While it's common knowledge that dogs aren't supposed to eat chocolate, wolfgirls are actually totally fine with it. Standing at 5'6, Sacchi's force of personality and oblivious sense of confidence are completely unavoidable for anyone in close proximity. She's loud, she's rambunctious, she's smug, and despite all evidence to the contrary, she's convinced that she's the best. Not at anything in particular, just in general.
She works full-time as the owner and sole employee of the Chocolate Bar cafe and bakery, a hole-in-the-wall coffee shop that's her pride and joy. Everything on the menu is made by her, and she's actually a fairly talented chef. However, the reality is that the cafe itself bleeds money no matter what she does. She's too picky with her ingredients, refusing to settle for anything cheap, and she has a tendency to eat her own stock when she's bored--which is fairly often, considering how few customers she gets. In order to continue fulfilling her dream of running her cafe, she's had to turn to raising money by other means, such as working odd jobs or selling lewd pictures on the internet.
If it were anyone else in her situation, they'd probably consider shuttering the cafe and giving up on the dream. Unfortunately for everyone, Sacchi is impossibly stubborn and refuses to give up when she wants something. As such, as the cafe does worse, Sacchi tends to turn to any means necessary to keep the establishment afloat. She's an airhead, stubborn beyond belief, and abrasive... but she's also passionate, full of energy, and always willing to try new things. After all, her love of food is what got her interested in opening up a cafe in the first place.
She's generally extroverted and very direct with her communication and what she wants. Despite this, she tends to have an immature and short-term mindset, focused entirely on what she wants now and how she can get her hands on it fastest. As far as ethics and morality goes, she's incredibly selfish and puts herself first in most interactions. She's fully capable of befriending others and having attachments, though she's too oblivious and self-centered to have much interest in romance.
Sacchi's setting could be considered 'modern-fantasy'--where magic exists alongside technology equivalent to the modern day. However, I'm fine playing her in other situations too, such as fantasy settings, where I'll typically twist her to run a tavern or be an adventurer.
Hey! If you're interested in my character, then feel free to send a message. I don't bite, though I tend to be pretty guarded around new faces that I haven't spoken to much before.
As far as RP goes, I tend to prefer private approaches, especially with people I'm still new with. If you're interested in playing with me, your odds of success will be a lot higher by initiating via private message than in public. I don't bite, I promise.
If you're approaching me for the purpose of setting up a roleplay, please try and be direct with what you want right off the bat! You don't have to force smalltalk to try and butter me up, this isn't a date. Just communicate what you want and I'll let you know if I'm interested or not! I don't have a grudge against smalltalk or anything like that, but it just makes life easier to get straight to the point.
If you're approaching to ask for HTML or profile help, I'm always glad to answer basic questions, but please don't approach expecting me to do 'work' for you. I'm typically on here to relax and have fun!
Lastly, I'm available on Discord as well. If we've roleplayed before and you want my details, feel free to ask and I'll provide my handle on there!
- ♥ Switch w/ lean towards predding
- ♥ AV = BV > CV > OV = UB
- ♥ Attracted to men and women! Preference towards feminine boys > masculine
- ♥ Overwhelming preference for macro/micro > same size
- ♥ Humiliation, nonchalantness, comeuppance, and teasing are faves!

Tags: Oral Vore, Same Size, Fatal
Heading into the back of the cafe, you took some time to familiarize yourself with the layout of the kitchen. Perhaps a bit too long; by the time that you had committed the locations of all of the different ingredients to memory, your new employer was already popping back to check on you.
"Still figuring stuff out? No worries, that's fine! Take your time, I wouldn't want you to stressing yourself out too much when it's just your first day on the job--", the wolf chimed, watching you work from over your shoulder, only to be interrupted by a low, rolling glrrrrn from her midsection. With her standing as close as she was, you could feel it just as much as hear it. Doing her best to not get too flustered, the wolf sheepishly looked away, letting out a tittering laugh.
"Ahaha ♫... sorry! Normally I'd make myself breakfast as soon as I got here, but I just haven't had time! It's not a big deal, I'll just have a snack in a few--", Sacchi stammered cheerily, this time being cut off by a rumbling roar from her gut that nearly dropped the poor canine to her knees. Clutching her arms around her aching gut, she let out a pitiful little whine, clearly in a little more distress than she was letting on.
Turning towards her, you only had a split second to react as your employer lunged towards you, an animalistic hunger gleaming in her eyes. Her hands latched onto your shoulders with an unbelievable amount of strength, and it was only as you flinched to try and pull away that you realized that your legs were kicking uselessly in mid-air. There was no restraint in her actions, not a single ounce of hesitation -- lifting you upwards, the wolf guided you headfirst towards her widely-spread jaws, effortlessly ushering you inside. The bumpy, wet surface of her tongue scraped across your face as you were jammed further in, Sacchi's scrambling hands shoveling your entire body down her gullet. A rippling gulp of her esophageal muscles dragged you partway down, leaving only your lower half frantically kicking outside her lips. Another gulp and you plummeted further, your head emerging into the caustic, sizzling interior of the wolf's belly, the air surrounding you so hot and damp that it was truly uncomfortable to even breathe it in.
It only took another ten seconds or so before the last of you entered the pitch black sac of the brunette's belly, squashed into a tight ball with your ankles up near your head. You try to squirm, to struggle, to do anything -- but with each movement, the slick, tight walls of the wolf's belly fight back against you, constricting down on your hapless form. Twisted around and disoriented, you kick and flail blindly, trying to feel around for an exit. Or, failing that, maybe at least giving that gluttonous bimbo a stomach ache she'll remember forever. You push upwards, feeling something incredibly heavy squishing back down against you: the soft, sagging weight of the wolf's chest, now resting atop her overly-stuffed gut. Whatever your official title might have been before, it seemed that you had been demoted to 'Meat'. Gradually, acids and digestive enzymes would ooze out from the greedy walls of the wolf's stomach, slathering your form with enough caustic fluids to help you in your transition to becoming a thick, nutritious sludge.
Outside the hellish confines of Sacchi's gut, things are far more serene. The wolf lets out a content sigh, resting a palm atop her groaning gut and giving a pitying glance downwards. "Oh--urp--'scuse me! Sorry about that, I guess I was hungrier than I thought I was. Though, um... I guess I should apologize about eating you, yeah? If it makes you feel any better about it, you tasted pretty dang good! I'd totally eat you again sometime, just, uh... that probably won't be possible. I promise I'll do better in the future, though! No more eating employees from here on out," Sacchi cheers, as if this promise was any consolation in your current situation.
You didn't last much longer after this. Having to run the kitchen and manage customers, the wolf's metabolism would quickly and ruthlessly break you down, swelling her assets just a bit and leaving her with a potbelly for the rest of the workday.
ENDING TRIGGER: Lose before Sacchi eats a single cake.
Tags: Oral Vore, Same Size, Fatal
Familiarizing yourself with your new workspace, you quickly took to the kitchen, pouring your heart and soul into the mixing bowl and crafting something damn-near close to perfection. Two layers of fluffy, delicious spongecake married together with a thin layer of strawberry filling formed the base, with a graceful snow of frosting coating the outside of it. Slicing some fresh fruit, you delicately, painstakingly arranged them into the shape of a rose atop the cake as the finishing touch to your masterpiece. Truly, this cake was something to be proud of.
A pair of brown-fluffed ears peeked around the corner into the kitchen, your new employer making some small but insufficient effort to hide that she was checking up on you. Any amount of subterfuge would fade away as her blue eyes locked onto your newest creation, those fuzzy brown ears twitching in excitement—you could hear her tail swishing around from nearly an entire room away.
“Oh, hey! I figured it's been a little while already, so I'd drop in and see what you were working on. Looks like you've been hard at work, though!”, the canine cheered as she slipped into the kitchen, hovering ominously close to your newly-crafted cake, “Wow, this looks perfect! Hang on, I'm gonna use this one for our socials.”
After a few silent, awkward moments, the wolf managed to snap a photo of your creation. Then, without warning or hesitation, the brunette reached down and grabbed hold of a single slice of cake with her bare hands. You could only watch in horror and disbelief as she brought it to her lips, crumbs tumbling to the floor below, and made it vanish in just three short bites.
You opened your mouth to form some kind of protest at this, but struggled to even put your dissatisfaction to words before she did the exact same thing to the remaining slices, leaving only a halo of leftover frosting and crumbs where the cake had once sat. Humming to herself, the wolf let out a content sigh as she licked the frosting from her fingertips. “That was like, mega good. Yeah, you're definitely gonna do good work. So anyways, we've got a customer up front that wants a slice. Where are the rest of the cakes?”
You paused for a moment, steadying yourself and taking a deep breath before calmly explaining the fact that you had only made that one cake so far.
“...Wait, are you serious? Just one cake? You've been back here for like an hour already, though. Ugh, just... stand aside, I'll show you how it's done.”
Rolling up the sleeves of her sweater, the canine stomped into the kitchen and almost immediately left you in the dust. She knew where every ingredient was by heart, and preparing them was so second-nature that she didn't even have to look at what her hands were doing. Even just from a glance, it was clear that she could whip out dozens of cakes in the time it took you to do a single one. Still, you couldn't just sit back and let her do everything. Stepping forward, you tried to find some way to assist her, offering you help mix or watch the ovens or anything else.
All you really managed to do was get in her way, though. After you nearly caused Sacchi to trip, she turned and glared up at you. In hindsight, this was definitely the last chance you had to survive this day. Instead, you reached over, offering your hand for her to steady herself with—and found it engulfed in something slick and warm. Alarm bells went off in your head, though about five seconds too late for it to do any good.
Instinctively, you tried to pull your arm backwards, only for the wolf's throat to tug far, far harder in return. Your feet slipped out from beneath you as you scrambled to hold your ground, sputtering and pleading ineffectively to your scowling employer. Your head passed through her lips and down her throat mere seconds later, putting an end to these protests.
The rest of you presented even less of a challenge -- by the time the last of you was sliding through into her stomach, she was already hobbling back to work. With each unsteady step, her overly-stuffed gut would bounce and sway, throwing you around in the dark, claustrophobic insides of your boss. “I'll show you how it's done,” a muffled voice from outside your new workspace huffed, “Can't believe I'm gonna have to tell this poor customer we're all out. In the meantime...”
Outside, Sacchi hurried and placed one of the freshly-prepared cakes into the oven, activating a timer for thirty minutes.
There was no light for you to see by in the steaming confines of the wolf's gut, though you didn't really need any to get a rough idea for your situation. Your fingers traced against the soft, slick folds of the stomach walls imprisoning you, already starting to go numb as you searched for the way that you entered. There seemed to be something soft just below you: your prized cake, you recognized a moment later, now a crushed, partially-digested mess.
Just like you'd be, shortly.
Digestive enzymes dripped and swirled around you as Sacchi danced around her kitchen, her heartbeat thumping above as she dragged you through the workday. Bit by bit, your body softened, as did your senses.
And, by the time that the timer 'dinged', your life was just as done as the cake was.
ENDING TRIGGER: Feed Sacchi 1 cake, then lose.
Tags: Macro/Micro, Non-Vore
Baking isn't easy.
Well, maybe at small scales it could be, but over the past few days you had become intimately familiar with the Sisyphean struggle with keeping those damned shelves stocked with dessert. When you had first noticed that the numbers didn't add up and that cakes seemed to just be vanishing into thin air, you had brought your concerns up with your new boss.
“Thieves? Oh, don't worry about it, it's probably nothing!”, she had chimed back, her ears twitching playfully, “I'll keep a closer eye on them though, if that helps at all!”
You should have known better.
Still, your pride insisted that you continue to vainly struggle against impossible odds. For every ten cakes you baked, you were lucky if even two managed to make it to an actual customer. The rest simply seemed to walk away when you weren't looking -- but only ever when your boss was around. It wasn't much of a leap in logic to figure out that she was involved somehow.
But surely she wasn't eating them all, right? There just wasn't any way she could have had room for CAKENUMBER cakes in a single sitting. Perplexed, you exhausted every other avenue you could think of, checking the garbage cans to see if she was throwing them out, digging through cabinets to see if she was hiding them somewhere, but not a single cake would show up in your searching. If anything, these distractions only gave her more opportunities to work her magic.
From there, you pivoted to trying to catch the wolf in the act by laying traps. You left a cake 'unattended' while you waited nearby, listening for Sacchi so that you could spring out and catch her mid-bite. Somehow, it was just gone when you poked your head out to check on it again. You tried leaving out a larger platter of cakes next, hoping you might be able to buy yourself more time.
And it almost worked, too. You looked back in to find her leaning on the bar next to an empty dish. Stepping out, you confronted her, asking her what she did with them.
“What cakes?”, she asked, blinking and tilting her head, “I didn't see any cakes...”
The platter was completely clean, not a single speck of frosting left on it. You sputtered, trying to figure out what the trick was, barely able to form a coherent thought.
“Don't worry too much about it, it's just cake, right? Maybe you just misplaced them. You can always bake new ones!”, the wolf smiled, actually having the audacity to reach over and pat you on the head, as if that would reassure you.
No. You weren't going to be beaten. You weren't going to be outsmarted by this airhead. There was still one more thing you could do.
You had to pull a few strings to get everything you needed for the perfect trap, but it was all ready to go by the next morning. Nothing was left to chance this time. You arrived to work an hour early, preparing the bait and setting up an ambush that your gluttonous boss would never see coming.
All that was left was for you to use that shrinking spray you had borrowed from a friend. The world spun around you as you dwindled down to just a few inches tall, hurrying to hide the evidence and leaving the antidote in a place you could easily reach it nearby. Taking shelter on one of the kitchen counters nearby, you gave yourself a front row seat to witness the moment your trap unfold.
The world shook beneath you. Once, then again, thundering booms falling at a rhythmic pace as something utterly titanic approached. A shadow passed through the doorway, looming distantly like a mountain beyond a clouded horizon. It was her.
Staying low behind milk bottle you were using as cover, you watched as she lingered in the threshold for a few moments, her nose giving a few slow twitches as she cautiously entered the room. Peering in, she looked to the left, then the right -- and, satisfied that the coast seemed to be clear, she hopped into the room, bounding over to the tray of treats you'd left out to entice her.
The canine hurried right past you, not even sparing a glance in your direction. Still, for an instant, your heart felt like it was jumping up your throat; as small as you were, the sheer difference in scale was enough to make your survival instincts remind you of their existence. Just the simple action of her moving past was enough to create a gust of wind strong enough to move you across the countertop.
Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
Bending down, the wolf cradled her head in her palms for a moment, visibly drooling at the sight of the unattended desserts left out. Delicately, she reached out, carefully plucking the slice of cake up with her hands, bringing it up towards her mouth.
From your scale, it was the size of a house.
One bite.
Two bites.
And then it was gone, without so much as a crumb being lost.
The wolf left out a content sigh, swishing a finger along the surface of the plate to scoop up a remaining bit of icing and popping it into her lips, her looming body seeming to wiggle entirely unconsciously from the excitement of it all. Another slice followed that one, then another -- and you had your answer. Your boss really was that much of a glutton. You tried to wrap your head around it, trying to figure out where it all went, but that could come later.
All that was left was to make your way to where you had stashed the antidote, return to normal, and confront her. It was just a short distance away, and Sacchi seemed more than distracted enough for you to do it safely now.
You took two steps out from behind cover, only to find yourself staring into a cold, blue eye as tall as you were.
Your body froze entirely, refusing to budge. For a few moments, no words were exchanged -- there was no need. Then, she opened her mouth, the air around you shifting just from this simple action, growing hotter, more humid.
“Huh. I knew something was different,” she hummed, the vibrations of her voice rippling across your skin, “I just couldn't figure out exactly what it was.”
The titan's arm moved, hefting something in her hand -- a familiar-looking spray bottle: your antidote.
“Honestly, I might not have caught you if you'd hidden it better. You should know that I know my own kitchen like the back of my own hand, though! Of course I'd notice something like this, silly,” she laughed, dropping to her knees so that she could more easily stay at eye-level with you, “It's not polite to spy on a lady, though.”
There was a certain bit of coldness in her voice that made the hair on the back of your neck stand on edge. You were in danger. You needed to run. You needed to have started running thirty seconds ago. Why weren't you running?
The towering wolf leaned just a bit closer, her fingertips tapping playfully on the edge of the metal countertop. “Well, I guess you know the truth now. Not that it was any big secret -- it should've been obvious, right? I just couldn't let you catch me in the act. Gotta keep up appearances, y'know? If people caught me chowing down like this, they'd call me all sorts of mean, hurtful things, right? But you just had to see it for yourself. Really, what does it matter? Whether it went to the customer or to me, you were still getting paid anyways, right?”
Slowly, the wolf pushed herself upwards, and you were reminded of exactly what your place in the world was right now. You got one last look at her face before it was blocked by her chest rising up above you -- she almost looked sorry for you in those few seconds you had left to see it. After that, all you could see of her extended from the underside of her sweater-clad breasts, down her midriff, to the swaying red folds of her skirt.
She stepped away for a moment, walking towards a waste bin and pushing the pedal down with her foot, tossing the antidote inside and letting it shut again. Finally, you managed to muster the courage to turn and run.
Then, the ground pulled away as your midsection was pinched between her thumb and index finger. The wind rushed past in a deafening gale as you soared higher, higher, until you were level with the canine's face.
“Look, for what it's worth, I didn't wanna do this either, but I can't just let you go now. I've got an image to maintain! Anyways, since I'm down an employee now, I've gotta start prepping the cafe for opening. I'll figure out what I'm gonna do with you once we close up shop. Until then, try not to into any more trouble, 'kay?”
Her hand lowered, carrying you with it towards the open neck of her sweater and the valley softly resting within it. You squirmed against the grip of her fingers, trying vainly to free yourself, but the time for that had already passed.
The wolf's fingers plunged deep into the sweltering canyon between her tits, dragging you down into a hellish vice grip, almost vacuum-sealed from the sheer pressure of the massive, pale walls squeezing in on you. Every movement you tried to make was like kicking in quicksand, every breath as hot as if it had been filtered through an oven and lingering with the sweet scents of your ex-employer's body. Her fingers slipped back out without you and took with them the last bits of light, sealing you away in utter darkness.
The world was a black, crushing space now. Whatever the universe had been to you before, it was gone, replaced by only the vague sensations of motion, bouncing and wobbling and swaying. Occasionally the pressure on your minuscule, fragile frame would increase or decrease based on the unknowable motions of your captor. Hours and minutes bled together in this place, with the only measure of time being the constant, bone-shaking thump of the wolf's heart rippling around you. Sometimes, you'd hear muffled voices -- Sacchi's, or those belonging to others. You raised your own voice to cry out for someone, anyone to hear you.
But no one did.
Your body felt like it was going to break at any moment, though that moment never came. Instead, you stewed, your body sore, your lungs aching for air, your bones whining pitifully under just enough pressure to not do permanent damage. You had wondered where she was putting those cakes before. You knew now, though you probably wished that you didn't.
It was a fairly standard workday for Sacchi, though she wound up closing up shop a few hours later than she usually did. She never did figure out exactly what she wanted to do with you. But that's okay! She has a place to keep you until she does.
However long that takes.
Tags: Macro/Micro, Anal Vore, Non-Fatal
For a first day at work, things honestly weren't so bad. Sure, there wasn't really much of a training process -- you were basically just thrown to the wolves -- but the pace was slow enough that you didn't feel overwhelmed or exhausted by the time the halfway point arrived. Whatever reservations you had about this place, you were confident that you could make this work for a job, as long as things stayed this way.
It was a little past noon when your boss trotted back into the kitchen, clutching a tray with a pair of cakes atop it as if it was a sacred treasure. “Hey, newbie! This time of day is usually pretty slow and there's no one up at the front right now. We can take a lunch break now!”, she cheered, sliding over a seat and hopping down into it, “Really nice work so far, all the customers have been giving rave reviews!”
Snatching up a fork, the canine carved out a piece of cake directly from the platter, her wrist giving a few unnecessarily-playful twirls as she brought the bite up to her mouth. Apparently it wasn't just the customers that were thrilled with your baking so far, judging from the way she was sighing as she swished the cake around in her mouth.
It hadn't been your first choice of job. The pay wasn't great, the hours were confusing, but... well, at least your boss was pretty cute.
You smiled, taking a seat across from her to enjoy a break for a few moments. Picking up another fork, you decided to try your own supply, mirroring the wolf's movements and popping a bite of cake into your mouth and closing your eyes to truly savor it.
Light and fluffy. Sweet, but not overly so. Faint hints of vanilla and lemon. You had just followed the recipe that Sacchi had laid out for you, but now that you were getting to try it for yourself, you could definitely understand why she'd settled on this one.
Exhaling, you opened your eyes, reaching over for a second bite.
“What are you doing?”, a voice from across the table sputtered indignantly.
Turning your eyes upwards from the cake to your boss, you were immediately struck by the way that her expression was twisting -- like she'd just found rotten food in her fridge. Her blue eyes were narrow and judgmental, glaring down at you, her nose scrunched, and her lip pulled up in a sneer.
You blinked. What was the big deal? You were just having a piece of cake. She'd brought two of them, after all. After a few seconds of heavy silence, you decided that the best approach would be to calmly explain yourself: that this was just a mix-up, and that you had thought that the second cake was meant for you.
She reeled back, eyes widening as she clutched at her sweater, “That—that was my cake. Why would you think it was for you? It was on my plate. What's your problem? You're... you're gonna pay me back for this.”
You glanced down. It was more of a serving platter than a plate. Still, she seemed to be growing more heated. All of this over a single bite of a piece of cake? It wasn't like you had eaten the entire slice or contaminated it by dipping your fork back in.
Suddenly, a realization struck you. She was toying with you. This must be some sort of new employee hazing ritual that she had. Of course no one could get this angry over cake. You burst out into laughter -- it was just so funny! Finally catching your breath, you let her know just how badly you'd fallen for her acting as you reached down and took another bite.
A chill ran across your skin, arcing down your skin and dancing through your nerves. The room was too still, too quiet. You could your heartbeat quickening, thumping against your ribs.
You turned your full attention back towards Sacchi, only to find her disposition entirely changed. Those same blue eyes that had glittered as she'd laughed and shown you around the kitchen earlier were now regarding you differently, the same way you imagined she might look at a roach skittering across the immaculate floor of her kitchen.
Something filthy, something unwanted, something that deserved nothing but destruction.
This didn't seem to be an act. Maybe you had misread the situation earlier? Giving a sheepish laugh, you opened your mouth to try apologizing. You'd just explain everything and defuse the situation--
There was a flash of movement across from you as the wolf pushed her seat out and jumped to her feet. Her hands moved with a practiced speed, and in an instant there was something held between them that you didn't recognize -- but you didn't need to recognize it to understand that it was a weapon, given that she was aiming it straight at you.
Without a moment to even think, your body moved, pushing the chair back...
Too slow, unfortunately for you. There was a blinding flash of color, your vision swimming in a haze of colors and bewildering shapes. You couldn't fight back, you couldn't avoid it, you couldn't even run. It was all you could do just to keep yourself from throwing up as a sickening sense of vertigo ravaged your perception. You slumped to the ground. It felt soft against your body—almost comforting, even.
Slowly, you regained your composure, your stomach settling down as the world seemed to stop spinning around you. Sitting up again, you looked around, only to find yourself in an alien landscape beyond your recognition.
You were no longer seated, instead wobbling on your hands and knees atop a padded, cloth surface that felt warm to the touch. Slowly, you pushed yourself to your feet atop the unsteady ground, looking around to try and get your bearings. The world looked... different, but familiar somehow. In the distance were constructions of metal and plastic big enough to dwarf most buildings. As you turned you complete your survey of this new land, you found yourself staring at two vast, peach-colored columns.
Slowly, you craned your head back to see what these monoliths were supporting...
And from far, far above, a familiar set of blue eyes regarded you with cold intent, now big enough to dwarf your entire being.
“Shouldn't have touched my cake,” a voice rumbled from on high, feminine but with enough force to make you flinch, “Doing it twice, though... that's just dumb. Really, really dumb. Insulting, too. But hey, what's done is done, right? You yoink a part of my lunch, I make you three inches tall, I'd say we're almost even.”
Instinctively, you stepped backwards, as if the few centimeters of distance you could gain each step would make some difference if she decided to do anything to you. You tried shouting an apology, cupping your hands to your mouth. You tried asking her to return you to normal. You tried shouting just about anything you could think of that might stop the looming canine from taking advantage of the situation.
Atop her head, you could see her ears flick and twitch.
“Huh? Is that squeaking sound you? Gosh, that's kinda pitiful,” she mocked, casually bending down and reaching towards you with one hand, “Hang on, let me get you a bit closer so that I can actually understand what you're saying.”
Her fingers gave a playful wiggle in the air as they swung closer to you, effortlessly outpacing your attempts to get away. She had seemed so harmless before, but now even looking at her made you feel like a rabbit cornered in its burrow. You weren't quite sure which was worse -- the sudden change in her demeanor, or the fact that she was as tall as a skyscraper to you.
As her fingers pinched down on one of your ankles, you decided that it was probably the second one.
The world rushed past as you were lifted up just a few feet, though it felt like hundreds at your diminished scale, until you were dangling right in front of a tuft of tan fluff protruding from the canine's right ear.
Maybe you could try making your case again here. Maybe there was still a chance to prove that this was all just one big misunderstanding, and return to life as normal. Taking a deep breath, you shouted for all your lungs could manage, trying to make your voice heard as you pleaded your case.
For a few moments, you were left dangling there, held upside-down by a single leg above a sprawling field of chocolate-brown hair, until she finally brought you back down, holding you in front of her face, contemplating just what to do with you.
And then, like the ringing of a holy bell from the heavens themselves, you heard the distant chime of the front door to the cafe opening. The wolf's expression darkened, eyes narrowing as she considered her options. “Just a moment, I'll be right with you!”, she shouted, your eardrums rippling from the change in air pressure that came with her shout.
You could see the thoughts moving around in her head as her eyes darted about. Then, they stopped, settling on you, a wide leer tugging at the canine's lips. “Oh, you should have just said that right from the beginning!”, the wolf chimed, a wave of relief washing over you.
“...If you really wanted my cake that badly, I could have arranged something before all of this!”, she finished. You could feel that something was wrong, though. Something hollow in her words, as if she was struggling to contain her laughter behind that sing-songy tone she spoke in. The wolf took a moment to reposition you between her fingers, making sure she had a more secure grasp on you as she bent forwards.
Diminished as you were, you weren't able to see exactly what she was doing, though you could hear the rustle of cloth shifting. It was only as you were brought further down that you spotted her skirt and panties tugged down, now pulled taut halfway down those milky-white thighs.
Her hand swung around behind herself, bringing you directly into view of a pair of soft, round cheeks big enough to crush a building from your point of view. Earlier in the day, you had caught the wolf bending over to reach something from a low cabinet. Looking back, you remembered thinking that her butt was 'cute'. In your current position, it was hard to imagine that the beast you were now staring down was the same playfully-swaying rump that had caught your eye.
You shouted as you were brought ever closer to it. You writhed, squirmed, and struggled as the air around you began to grow noticeably warmer just from the presence of those plush mounds. You kicked, you punched, and then you disappeared.
Carried by the wolf's fingers, you were dragged deeper into the embrace of those impossibly-heavy cheeks, swallowed whole in a canyon of soft skin and unbearable warmth. Your body glided across hers, utterly unable to even slow your descent into the deepest parts of the depraved wolf's ass. It was an inevitability that you'd reach the destination of this journey, and you soon found yourself face-to-face with it, in a sense.
With no regard for you, Sacchi pushed your tiny, aching body up against the puckered threshold of her ass, a single finger pressing against your back holding you in place as she ground you against it. Turning away was no use -- there wasn't any avoiding it at this point, her fingers working you back and forth and gradually increasing the pressure. The entrance was tight, but the pressure was insistent, and with each rub of your body against it, the hole widened just a little more.
In an instant, your head popped inside, even despite your best efforts to avoid this. The air inside was dizzing, hot and humid and far too still, and from within this place you could hear the ever-present groans of the canine's intestines above you. Desperate to avoid this place, you planted your hands against the ring squeezing tightly around your neck, blindly trying to widen it enough to tug your head free.
The wolf was in a rush, though. With a bit of struggling, she managed to plant a fingertip against the bottom of each of your frantically-kicking feet -- and, biting her lip, she let out a shuddering sigh as she shoveled your entire body the rest of the way in. You slide across the slick, pink walls of her guts, the last bits of light vanishing as the entrance you'd come in through squeezed itself tightly-shut again, even as you scrambled and slipped to try and get back before it did.
Blindly, you slammed yourself against where you thought that pinprick of light had vanished to, tiny hands scrambling against your surroundings in pitch blackness. It was a hopeless endeavor though, and the extreme heat and lack of air soon left you panting and collapsed on the wet 'ground' inside of your bratty boss's ass. It was humiliating beyond anything you'd ever experienced in your life, and to make matters worse, your boss seemed to be enjoying it. Whenever you tried to rest and catch your breath for too long, the walls around you would clench down, squeezing your aching body in a tight, crushing embrace as she effortlessly tried to wring you out for every last bit of enjoyment she could. You'd struggle, kicking and flailing desperately, as if doing so might fight off that oppressive force surrounding you on all sides. Instead, all it did was make the booming thump of her heartbeat speed up, and even occasionally earn an incredibly-stifled moan.
All of this over two bites of cake, you mused to yourself. Not that it mattered now. It wasn't like there were do-overs in life.
Outside, the canine let out a sigh, swaying her hips as she stood back up, trying to get used to the sensation of having a living, breathing person tucked away inside of herself. She couldn't relish in the situation for too long, though; she had customers to feed. Hurrying over to the sink, the wolf washed her hands and made her way up to the front of the cafe.
“Sorry for the wait! What can I get for you?”, she chimed, leaning over the counter.
“Oh, don't worry! I'll have a... oh, huh, you're really excited to see me, aren't you?”, the customer remarked, pointing to the wolf's frantically-wagging tail.
“Ahaha, yep! Always glad to see one of my favorite customers!”, Sacchi laughed, her hips wiggling behind her in rhythm with her tail, throwing you about in the dark, stuffy confines of her guts, “Anyways, let me take your order!”
Oops! You lost, and not in a way that leads to an actual ending. What a bummer!
Currently, there are 4 endings. They're all based on the amount of cakes eaten so far, but they're all pretty low bars to reach!