Sabine having been one of the earliest members of the Ghost crew still remains loyal to them to this very day, though she also enjoys the time she gets to strike out on her own, always trying to balance one with the other.
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Sabine having been one of the earliest members of the Ghost crew still remains loyal to them to this very day, though she also enjoys the time she gets to strike out on her own, always trying to balance one with the other.
What would happen should our daring hero not having chosen to abandon her people!
I have always found an interest in this part of her life, Sabine's Imperial story is kept mostly in the shadows, So If you wanted to play through something in relation to her going through her Academy time on Mandalore, I'd definitely take interest.
Or maybe play through what would have happened to Sabine had she not 'lost the way'
Sabine thought she was smarter than the local crimeboss, hopefully the Ghost crew is nearby to save her!
If she can get her lips around you, then there's only one of a few places you could wind up!