Age: 19
Height: 5'7
In a world where the gods are not only real, but also often walk among mortals, it should be no surprise that there are lots of shrines. Lots and lots and LOTS of shrines. At the same time, it should also be no surprise that there's lots of Shrine Maidens tending to them, either! ... of course, depending on the location, there may not be many gods in residence, but that doesn't stop there being shrines. Hell, there might even be shrines to small gods, and the like.
Which leads us to THIS shrine maiden, a young lady named Sabaku Yukiko.
Also called, by some, at least, an Ice Queen, Yukiko's always been a bit.. cool. She's difficult to approach, for some, because she doesn't talk much, though she obviously pays attention to people. It hasn't deterred some from trying to woo her, mind you, and if one looks at her, it's obvious why they might try. Thus far, though, most have met with no success.
See... Yukiko takes her duties seriously. She may only serve a lesser goddess, who, admittedly, is rarely around, but she makes certain to keep the shrine as clean and well-maintained as possible! There's a LOT of work in maintaining a shrine, too, so she doesn't exactly have much free time. Between that, and occasionally dealing with evil spirits and grumpy youkai, well, she just doesn't have TIME for dating. Nor, really, for much of anything else, as pertains to her personal life. Most of her time is really eaten up by managing the shrine, tending to her duties as a miko, and training to be better at them.
Which isn't to say that she's not interested, or that she couldn't make time, potentially... she may just not have met the right person, yet....